

作者: 燕自浩 | 来源:发表于2023-12-24 13:37 被阅读0次
  1. 安装插件JavaScript (ES6) code snippets
  2. 使用时直接按照插件规范即可,
    比如我们要快速生成for of循环,那我们只需要键入fof即可
    比如我们要快速生成for in循环,那我们只需要键入fin即可
    比如我们要快速生成setInterval(() => {}),那我们只需要键入sti即可
    比如我们要快速生成setTimeout(() => {}),那我们只需要键入sto即可



Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The means the TAB key.

Import and export

Trigger Content
imp→ imports entire module import fs from 'fs';
imn→ imports entire module without module name import 'animate.css'
imd→ imports only a portion of the module using destructing import {rename} from 'fs';
ime→ imports everything as alias from the module import * as localAlias from 'fs';
ima→ imports only a portion of the module as alias import { rename as localRename } from 'fs';
rqr→ require package require('');
req→ require package to const const packageName = require('packageName');
mde→ default module.exports module.exports = {};
env→ exports name variable export const nameVariable = localVariable;
enf→ exports name function export const log = (parameter) => { console.log(parameter);};
edf→ exports default function export default function fileName (parameter){ console.log(parameter);};
ecl→ exports default class export default class Calculator { };
ece→ exports default class by extending a base one export default class Calculator extends BaseClass { };

Class helpers

Trigger Content
con→ adds default constructor in the class constructor() {}
met→ creates a method inside a class add() {}
pge→ creates a getter property get propertyName() {return value;}
pse→ creates a setter property set propertyName(value) {}

Various methods

Trigger Content
fre→ forEach loop in ES6 syntax array.forEach(currentItem => {})
fof→ for ... of loop for(const item of object) {}
fin→ for ... in loop for(const item in object) {}
anfn→ creates an anonymous function (params) => {}
nfn→ creates a named function const add = (params) => {}
dob→ destructing object syntax const {rename} = fs
dar→ destructing array syntax const [first, second] = [1,2]
sti→ set interval helper method setInterval(() => {});
sto→ set timeout helper method setTimeout(() => {});
prom→ creates a new Promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {});
thenc→ adds then and catch declaration to a promise .then((res) => {}).catch((err) => {});

Console methods

Trigger Content
cas→ console alert method console.assert(expression, object)
ccl→ console clear console.clear()
cco→ console count console.count(label)
cdb→ console debug console.debug(object)
cdi→ console dir console.dir
cer→ console error console.error(object)
cgr→ console group console.group(label)
cge→ console groupEnd console.groupEnd()
clg→ console log console.log(object)
clo→ console log object with name console.log('object :>> ', object);
ctr→ console trace console.trace(object)
cwa→ console warn console.warn
cin→ console info console.info
clt→ console table console.table
cti→ console time console.time
cte→ console timeEnd console.timeEnd



