

作者: 相随成长路上 | 来源:发表于2018-10-23 08:45 被阅读0次

    低分飞过四六级的同学,有一定基础,想快速提高实用技能尤其是听说能力的同学, Coach shane 的Daliy Easy Expression你必须听,每日视频必须听三遍以上,学会用简单的英语解释晦涩难懂英语,还有掌握基本的连读知识和自然语流规律。


    Easy  English Expression61-100 (Coach shane)

    61pushover(someone easy  influence, sb. can't say no,sb. always says yes, not to everybody, but to somebody.)

    62.on the edge( usually used in negative situation,disaster/collapse/death/the world, you feel realy helpless,some disaster may happen,nothing is going good, sometimes used in oppsite on the edge of success, i go a little more ,be successful,"the" pronunciation)

    63.cushy(discribe job, really a nice job,a really great relaxing ,pleased job)

    64.hone+your skill/talent/ability(mean to sharpen)

    65.Don't chew with your mouth open(notice pronunciation close your mouth when you chew/when you eat)

    66.put up with sth(smoking/completely, means endure sth)

    67.to get the nod from(notice pronunciation,means yes or approval/permission, yes you can do it.)

    68.nuke it(put it in the microwave,reheat sth in mirowave)

    69.hoopla(excitement, lot of talk,

    70.to straighten sth/sb. out(to resolve/take care of sth.misunderstanding need to straighten sth.notice pronunciation)

    70.brouhaha:big fight.many people, hundred of people fight each other.

    72.my hat's off to you:congratulation to you,It's amazing,I am happy for you,proud for

    73. on call(for busy people, you look not busy, actually you are waiting, any minute somebody could call you, if they call you, you got to go) is a good excuse

    74. and whatnot( means this and that, many things,but not specific.similar type things)

    75.to tinker around with sth.(to touch sth,and move sth, change sth.)

    76.kowtow to sb.(to pay so much respect to sb.to be too nice to sb.)

    77.to tweak sth( change sth.just a little bit in order to make it better)"resume"font"

    78.when it comes to(used in compare sth)pepperoni

    79.take it with a grain of salt(it used in couple of sth,a promise/a threat/an insult) don't believe it,it probably not true.

    80.I changed my mind( you decided to do A,but  now you don't want to do A)

    81.nine out of ten times/occurrence/attempts/situations(90%of the time) new words"stew"

    82.goof off(to play, to have a good time with your friends,to joke around, usually we used  in supposing to study in/to working/concentrate on sth.but you goof off, as a teacher/mother don't like it, when you didn't finished your work)

    83.my dogs are barking(my feet are tied/sore)

    84.to get(become) carried away(to somebody thinking about sth too much, and start exaggerating, over do it, become crazy)

    85.my diet(usually means losing weight, also mean what you eat, the type of foods you eat)."vegitarian"

    86. veggies(short for veggitable)

    87.ad hoc ( describe a meeting or committee or organization ) for temperaly but urgent. not always bad.

    88.pig out(eat a lot , to eat like a pig)at+pizza

    89.coke is it( coke is the best soft drink,best refreshing , best delicious)also can used in person) orange fanta/7-up

    90.what the heck(hell/in the world/on earth)is wrong with you( what is your problem, using when somebody say/do some stupid/wield)

    91.in heat(usually used in female animals, means female animal wants to have baby)

    92.for shfts and gigles(for audit, not for kids. one meaning is for fun and games;another meaning is for heck of it(why did you do that)

    93.put some elbow into it(using extra power)new words "shovel"

    94.go away( someone bothering you, get out off here, go some other place.let me alone)

    95.something/nothing/getting(notice this three words pronunciation)

    96.pouting(a little angry)

    97.to get gist of sth(to have basic understanding of sth,when you heard or read sth, you have basic understanding you aren't expert

    98.a hiccup fit/a coughing fit/ a sneezing fit

    99.to get the hang of sth( to get to used to sth.to have sth feel natural/feel easy.).

    100.to die for(sth is really really excellent.it used for the last thing in the world you can do)



