Random thoughts in New Orleans

Random thoughts in New Orleans

作者: Xiulinglife | 来源:发表于2016-12-22 12:03 被阅读0次

National world war 2 museum

A veteran volunteered to lead a tour to show visitors around and explain exhibitions. In the tour, there was an old couple who showed a curious mind for whatever the veteran presented and followed through the  entire tour.  

Names of  US Army

AXIS power: Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy

Allies power: the rest of the world

Real Zhan Dou Ji

World war 2 started with a combat again German government around 1939 and then Nazi Germany began its journey to conquer the weak countries. Switzerland was not involved in the war with a situation where all countries adjacent Switzerland were occupied by Axis. United States got involved in the war after Pearl Harbor attack by Japanese army. Some people think that American government allows the attack to be happened so that United States can join the war with a rational reason. American army was not well trained at that time with low technology weapons. After that. The army realized its weakness and developed advanced warcraft by Boeing. Bombers drop bombs. Japannese general was good at training soldiers. General George, with a strong leadership, played an important role in the US Seventh army, who slapped two hospitalized soldiers and almost ruined his career.

French art market

French art market has many talented local artists and excellent art works.

French Art Market

A local artist: he is inspired by rotary sky.  Stars in the sky are always rotating from the view point of earth. So, A lot of his works come with a rotating sky.

His work and the real streetcar in St. Charles street

A local artist with nose ring: Her husband is a chef. She used to work multiple cafe jobs and now she focuses on art creating. A lot of her work is about clouds in sunset and sunrise. Her philosophy: looking at clouds you will feel how tiny you are compared to the sky. She used to get caught with small things. Painting clouds make her happy and want to share her peacefulness with more people. People who hate norm, mainstream are punk, hipster.

New Orleans sunset

Southern art museum

It focuses more on nature and human. Has more landscape art.


Fortune Teller in French Quarter

There are lots of fortune teller in French Quarter. People can just sit down and start conversation with them. I didn't know my fortune teller was homeless when I came to his desk. We had a long conversation. He loves to work as fortune teller because he likes healing people and feel happy for what he is doing. He moved out of his parents' home when he was in high school and started the life he likes. Robbed by someone, he became homeless. He didn't get along with his parents who wanted him to have a regular life. He doesn't deposit money in a bank, but he respects people who do that.  He also paints.

He said I should let go the past and I would become an important people in the community, which I believe so :)

At that night, when I was on my way home, I saw him trying to sleep on the street and he said hello to me when I passed by.

Me and my fortune teller

My Lyft driver

He never left this country before, good at driving but afraid of taking a plane.

He has a full time job driving a bank's money transportation car. He mentions how dangerous his job is, which a lot of people can't imagine. He mentioned a robbery happened not long ago. One money protecter was shot to death. He said if something dangerous happens, he won't run and leave anyone in the car because his job is very important. He has the responsibility to keep everyone safe. Becoming a police is his goal now.

I saw some light from him.


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