1 . 创建项目
git hub 上创建 一个项目 然后 git clone (你项目的url )
2. cd 进入你工程目录下 创建 podspec文件
pod spec create (你的文件名称)
pod spec create ED_NetWork
s.name = "ED_NetWork"
s.version = "0.0.1"
s.summary = "A test ED_NetWork"
s.description = <<-DESC
网路框架 基于NSURLSession 封装的网路框架,支持代理 和 block
s.homepage = "https://github.com/SevenandTen/ED_NetWork"
s.license = "MIT"
s.author = { "shiqiqi" => "a380814015@qq.com" }
s.platform = :ios ,"8.0"
s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/SevenandTen/ED_NetWork.git", :tag => "#{s.version}" }
s.source_files = "ED_NetWork", "ED_NetWork/*.{h,m}"
4. 验证
pod lib lint ED_NetWork.podspec --allow-warnings
执行 pod lib lint 时,报错:
ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (Could not find a `ios` simulator (valid values: com.apple.coresimulator.simruntime.ios-10-3, com.apple.coresimulator.simruntime.ios-12-1, com.apple.coresimulator.simruntime.ios-8-1, com.apple.coresimulator.simruntime.tvos-12-1, com.apple.coresimulator.simruntime.watchos-5-1). Ensure that Xcode -> Window -> Devices has at least one `ios` simulator listed or otherwise add one.
解决办法 升级CocoaPods
sudo gem install cocoapods
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "simctl", not a developer tool or in PA
解决方案就是去xcode设置里面,将Command line Tools设置一下,在Xcode>preferences>Locations里面,设置之后再运行终端即可
正常结果 ED_NetWork passed validation.
git add .
git commit -s -m"first commit"
git push origin master
git tag -m"first release" "0.0.1"
git push --tags
pod trunk me
pod trunk register '邮箱' '用户名' --description='电脑描述'
pod trunk me
pod spec lint ED_NetWork.podspec --allow-warnings
pod trunk push ED_NetWork.podspec --allow-warnings