
作者: 慢条斯理生活 | 来源:发表于2019-12-10 23:51 被阅读0次




My home is near the restaurant, but when I got there, the restaurant was closed.

Hearing the bad news, the old man was too sad to say a word.

He took the little girl in his arms and told him a story in a happy voice.

I dare not go there alone, I am afraid of falling into the river.

We agreed on the time, we agreed to help them study, and they accepted our suggestion.

It was a pleasant afternoon. We were satisfied with what you did. We flew kites happily.

He left his home angrily without hesitation.

Can you tell me which one you will choose? I don't know what just happened. Can you tell me what's wrong with him?

The students stopped talking at once when the teacher came in. They stopped to read.

My little sister is too young to take care of himself (both ways)

11 when the flame when the flame goes out, all these things are gone.

I was listening to light music when he left yesterday. He was walking in the street when suddenly it began to rain.

How hard he works! What a sweet voice he has!

What a tall tree! What clever students!

On the morning of children's day, I found him lying there facing the wall. What a poor little girl!


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