Day 8 & Day 9

Day 8 & Day 9

作者: 懂事小姐 | 来源:发表于2014-05-05 06:55 被阅读0次


    • Germans have identity crisis over centuries
    • Since 1900s the "self-image" and "foreign-image" have became academic subjects in Germany
    • *Die häßlichen Deutschen? * reminds me of Bo Yang, who published his work with the same titel 6 years before the German one. Of course Germans have carried out a bunch of empirical researches over the world for many years before that book and got that conclusion based on statistics.
    • Translated my questionnaire into Chinese, I have to ask someone else to translate it back to English and revise it for validity.
    • Bam!!! Still lots of work =(



          本文标题:Day 8 & Day 9
