

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2019-08-11 20:11 被阅读0次

    近日有网友爆料,意大利奢侈品牌(Italian luxury brand)范思哲(Versace)一款T恤把中国香港和中国澳门划分为国家。

    范思哲(Versace)品牌代言人(brand ambassador)杨幂工作室立刻发布声明,终止与该品牌合作。随后,发布道歉声明,称由于错误设计、公司疏忽,“我们为此次争议事件深表歉意。”

    Versace Loses Chinese Brand Ambassador Amid T-Shirt Controversy
    Versace has just lost its brand ambassador in China. Chinese actress Yang Mi said she'll end her cooperation with the luxury fashion label after a controversy erupted online over claims that its T-shirt design defied the “One China” policy.


    表示“违抗(法律或规则);拒不服从(有权威者)”,英文解释为“to refuse to obey a law or rule, or refuse to do what someone in authority tells you to do举个🌰:

    This was the first (and last) time that I dared to defy my mother.



    defy belief/description/explanation表示“(因过于极端或奇特而)让人无法相信/描述/解释,英文解释为“to be extreme or very strange and therefore impossible to believe, describe, or explain”举个🌰:

    The beauty of the scene defies description.


    “I defy sb to do sth”口语中的一种说法,表示“激,惹;向…挑战;我倒要看某人能否做成某事”(used when you ask someone to do something that you think is impossible举个🌰:

    I defy you to prove your accusations.


    I defy you to learn English everyday.


    I defy you to tell where I've painted over the scratch on my car.



    彭博社(Bloomberg)此处用的是brand ambassador,环球时报(Global Times)则用brand spokesperson.

    Italian luxury brand Versace apologized on Sunday after its Chinese brand spokesperson Yang Mi announced she was ending cooperation with the company over a controversial T-shirt that mislabeled Hong Kong and Macao as countries. (Global Times)

    Yang, Versace's first Chinese brand ambassador, issued a notice to the company to end her contract and stop all work with the brand after its T-shirt listed Hong Kong as a country rather than a city. It did the same for Macau. Both are special administrative regions of China.
    Versace's first Chinese brand ambassador 范思哲中国首位品牌代言人 special administrative region 特别行政区

    Yang said Versace has harmed China's sovereign and territorial integrity, according to a statement posted Sunday on the official Weibo account of Jiaxing Xingguang, the actress's studio. Versace has apologized and removed the T-shirt. Hong Kong, a former British colony, became a special administrative region of China in 1997. Versace's T-shirt is the latest in a string of faux pas by foreign companies when it comes to dealing with China. Last year, Dolce & Gabbana's video ad that showed a Chinese model struggling to eat spaghetti and pizza with chopsticks sparked outrage and a boycott of its products.

    faux pas

    表示“有失检点;失态;失礼;失言”,英文解释为“words or behaviour that are a social mistake or not polite”举个🌰:

    I made some remark about his wife's family, and then realized I'd made a serious faux pas.



    spaghetti /spəˈɡeti/ 表示“意大利式细面条”,英文解释为“Spaghetti is a type of pasta. It looks like long pieces of string and is usually served with a sauce.”




    一文中刚出现过,你还记得吗?boycott /'bɔɪkɑt/ 可作动词也可作名词,意思是“抵制,排斥,拒绝参加”,英文解释为“to refuse to buy, use or take part in sth as a way of protesting”举个🌰:

    We boycott all products tested on animals.


    Versace apologized in its own official Weibo account post for the “wrong design” that incorrectly attached country names to cities. The T-shirts were taken off its shelves on July 24 and have been “destroyed,” it said.

    take sth off the shelves

    表示“将…下架,不再出售”,英文解释为“to stop selling a product, especially because it is not considered to be safe”,或者说remove sth from the shelves.

    另外off the shelf还有一个含义,表示“(产品)现成的,不需订制的”,英文解释为“off the shelf  If a product can be bought off the shelf, it does not need to be specially made or asked for.”举个🌰:

    It's often cheaper if you buy wallpaper off the shelf, rather than having to order it.



    “我们的错误设计导致某些城市没有使用正确的国家名称。”一句中的错误设计,彭博社(Bloomberg)用的是the “wrong design” that incorrectly attached country names to cities,而环球时报(Global Times)则用mistaken design;

    Global Times原句:Our mistaken design resulted in some cities not coming with their correct country.

    The T-shirt had been pulled and destroyed on July 24…We deeply apologize…" said Versace. "Versace reiterates that we love China, and resolutely respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," said Versace.(Global Times)

    This is our negligence and we are deeply sorry about the impact we caused,” Versace said in the post, adding that it “resolutely respects China's sovereignty.”

    最后再看看美联社(Associated Press)的相关表达:


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