

作者: 吴迪wudi | 来源:发表于2020-04-05 06:43 被阅读0次

Q: A key challenge for me is that I get lost in an overwhelmed by feeling others feel. Can you please talk about a bit how to deal with such challenge? 

Q: And a few people have mentioned how to help others who don’t have meditation or spiritual practice?



A: That’s what I meant before, now we are all in the river, and we are now swimming, now the skill is being tested. 

You know it’s one thing to sit in the seminar center, or retreats, or somewhere close to the ocean, watch the beach and the ocean. And there is another thing to apply this in practice. That means we will not be together with the people in our sanga and in our retreats, we are been exposed to a different reality, and that’s the practice test.

答:我之前想要表达的就是这个议题。我们现在已经被推进河水里,开始游泳了,现在正是测试我们游泳技巧的时间。在灵性工作坊,或者疗愈场所的修行比较容易, 看着大海,沙滩,听着潮起潮落。另外一种修行就是见真功夫的时候了:在实际生活中践行你的练习。

我们没有了自己的sanga(佛教三宝之“僧宝”,也就是自己的灵性团体) ,没有了“道友”,我们突然身处一个不同的“现实”中,这个才是真正对我们之前练习的考验。

 I believe the language is very important, when I say, oh, I’m stressed because I feel other people’s feelings. In the way, yes, it’s true, but I will reframe it and say, when my own stress is in resonance with the stress in my environment, I feel even more stressed, because then I take the notion of my mind that my stress is because of other people, then I can go back to myself and say: wow when people around me feel stressed, I feel my own stress more. I think that is a different way to frame it, because then I know that I can take care of my inner stress, so this means that I can come back to myself, in the inner work, we always say in-doubt, come back to yourself, in-double, then something is not clear, we need to make contact to ourselves, because that where the tree is rooted. 

我认为“表述方式”很重要。当我说:“啊,我现在很焦虑,因为我感受到其他人的焦虑。” 这个虽然不假,但是我想换一种语言来描述:当我自己的焦虑与周遭环境里的焦虑产生共鸣时,我对焦虑的体会更深。



You know we might be all in different levels of sensitivity, the higher is our sensitivity, the more rooted it needs to be the tree, which means we ground ourselves, we take a breath, exact like we did it before. when I feel more stressed, even if I talk to somebody, I can take a breath during the conversation, another breath, ground myself into the body while listening to somebody and see wow I get stressed, my energy goes up, how can I regulate myself and ground myself and feel my feet. Take a breath, and I feel more stressed, because I’m listening to you, who have an economic uncertainty, so this reminds me my own health care concern, so we stay in this consistent practice of regulation as far as possible, it is very important.





But I think the reframing is important, because this is for you, the person that asked, but in general for us, because of the collective situation, I feel more fear, in a way it’s true, but often how we frame locks it in, there is little room, because of course that will be a lot of collective fear, but it shows me first of all, my own fears, and I can work on my own fears to ground them and digest them, not wanting to disconnect from my fear even more, because the fear is anyway often a past emotion that are stored in us, it is often related to trauma, or an attachment process of where stressful. 



(依附过程attachment process: 依恋是指随着时间的推移,从照顾者和婴儿的互动中产生的一种关系。因此,依附的过程被定义为一个相互调节的系统,在这个系统中,婴儿和照顾者会随着时间的推移对彼此产生影响。依附的各个阶段:非社会性阶段或前依附(出生后几周),无区别性依附(出生后6周至7个月),特定依附或区别性依附(约7-9个月),多重依附(约10个月以后)

And it take practices, and when it get triggered now, you want to disconnect from the fear even more, then we feel more stressed, because we can do this over some sometime, but we are in this for a longer run, then I can’t do that too long, because then I feel more and more tight, more and more stressed, become less and less connect to the best parts of my brain, the best parts of my nervous system, the best part of my thinking, my relating, so portion by portion, we want to digest the past that comes up in humanity right now, in order to ground ourselves. That’s what I think allows us to use the most, the latest parts of revolution, the best, so that help us to really find the great solutions in the time being.





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