Money and Finance

Money and Finance

作者: 麦穗呀 | 来源:发表于2021-09-26 22:44 被阅读0次

    A culture of debt

    1. is it easy to get credit in your country

    2. is consumer confident level high or not?

    3. People general attitude to borrowing.

    a Inflation, rocketing house prices and soaring foodstuff have pushed consumer confidence to the lowest level.

    2. During his term of office not only the national debt of America, but also personal debt, increased substantially.

    Term: 任期

    terms and conditions: 条款条约

    increased substantially: 大幅增长

    Credit and bebt

    3. Young people take out loans申请贷款 to pay  their way through college

    real estate 房地产

    property: a building or building and the land belong to them

    Mortage 抵押

    4. All this is possible because credit is easy and interest rates are low

    Band are encouraged to lend.

    The market is constantly coming up with (提出)new financial products and new ways of extending credits to ordinary people.

    Extend the business line 扩大产品线

    Extension number 分机号码

    5. As long as people are spending economic growth continues.

    accumulate: gather together or acquire an increasing number ot quantity

    二  Finance and Money

    How to make choose

    1. Personally i'd go for option A because it's

    i think option A has much more going for it.

    My preference would be option A because ..

    All in all, option A is ...




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