Writing Plan (Continuously Updat
00_5a51 | 来源:发表于
2018-06-03 00:49 被阅读0次
Erlang/Elixir related
1, Elixir compile data into beam
- using expr
- define functions
- define modules
- define multi-modules
2, How to use recon
- proc_count
- proc_window
- trace
- observer_cli
- Erlang in anger
3, How the Elixir code compile to beam
- compile command
- code trace
- Erlang ast
4, Elixir OTP
- GenServer
- Application
- Supervisor
- restart strategy
5, Release
- release init and configure file
- hooks and command
- Application start order
- hot upgrade
- the relup file
6, Macro
- simple example
- use
- task_flow
7, Elixir module Task
8, Elixir module Agent
9, Metric for Elixir states
10, Quantum job
- job configure
- job strategy
11, Mnesia
- build cluster
- dirty / sync_ditry
1, Ansible
2, Terraform
3, DataDog
- everything needs to be measurable
本文标题:Writing Plan (Continuously Updat