数据管理系统 入门及实践

数据管理系统 入门及实践

作者: zealscott | 来源:发表于2019-01-20 21:57 被阅读0次




Lecture Reading Material Hints Notes
1. coding - Creating Great Programmers with a Software Design Studio<br />- Criteria for modularization
2.introduce to document database - Design Philosophy<br />- A Technical Introduction to WiredTigerl<br />- understand JSON Document-oriented DB:MongoBD(1)
3. Logging - Durability _<br />- write-ahead logging <br />- Linearizability introduction ,<br />- Linearizability original paper 存储的正确性
4. Availability - Raft protocol (importent), <br />- MongoDB Consensus internal (optional)<br />- Triple modular redundancy High availability - fault tolerant
5. Design for document database - Data Modeling for Document Database<br />- Rules of Thumb for MongoDB Schema Design<br />- ORM
6. Data Model(relation database) - Network Model<br />- Hierarchy Model (a bit similar to mongodb)<br />- Original paper on relational model by Codd 1/2<br /> - History of RDBMS at IBM, an interesting read<br />- About Expressiveness data model
7. SQL SQL(1)<br />SQL(2)<br />SQL(3)
8. RelationDB design 关系数据库的逻辑设计
9. Normalization 关系数据库规范化
8. Physical Design - 物化视图<br />- 强函数依赖<br />- B-Tree<br />- 聚簇索引<br />- 索引的设计<br />- 存储过程(UDP)
10. Transaction - Compensating Transaction<br />- MongoDB Transaction - SQL Transaction
11. Object Relational Mismatch - Object Relational Mismatch Problems<br />- Two Camps of Opinions<br />- Class first<br />- Data first
12. Query Process
13. OLAP
14. Database Tuning - Database Tuning 1st Edition
15. Distributed DB
16. Transction in DDB
17. Scalability
18. NewSQL
19. Search engine
20. Indexing - Multidimensional Indexing
- k-d tree<br />- R-tree
- KD Tree<br />- Curse of dimension




      本文标题:数据管理系统 入门及实践
