body language

body language

作者: CC爱MM | 来源:发表于2016-11-18 07:38 被阅读0次

Everyone talks about the importance of "body language," but few people understand how much of an impact it actually has — not just in the way others perceive us, but in terms of how we actually perform. For example, keep in the power posing for few minutes. Can power posing for a few minutes really change our life in meaningful way? The answer is "Yes"! Our bodies change our minds. Tiny tweaks can bring big changes.

I leaned back in the chair, crossed my hands behind my head, and was very relaxed. When I maintaining the high power posing, I give myself a positive hint, on purpose, suggesting that I have a lot of good quality, I'm a successful person, I can do things better. After I keep in high power posing for two minutes, I felt relaxed and full of energy. Then I began to write my homework, the statistics problems. I felt the speed of my brain to think faster, improve efficiency, full of spirit. Feeling the problems are easier! It was amazing!  I know it because the testosterone in my body increased, and cortisone decreased. I never realized this feel can become true

It maybe sounds weird, but power posing really can let us change our subconscious, let oneself more full of energy, help you gain greater success. Just like what the video said, our nonverbals govern how we think and feel about ourselves. Our bodies change our minds, and our minds change our behavior and behavior changes our outcomes.

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      本文标题:body language
