词为我用 - abase

词为我用 - abase

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-02-06 21:18 被阅读0次


abase UK  /əˈbeɪs/ US  /əˈbeɪs/TEM8  GRE

vt, (formal) to act in a way that shows that you accept sb's power over you 表现卑微,卑躬屈节,屈从


1. The interviewer, solemn-faced, hush-voiced, now offered Artie a chance to abase himself.(The New Yorker)

2. He achieved unprecedented autonomy, refusing to abase himself before aristocratic patrons even as he took their money.(The New Yorker)

3. P.S. Germany's cinema, on the other hand, is exerting itself to abase the unholiest of leaders by means of frequent representation.(The New Yorker)

4. They can lapse into a forgetful toadyism, and abase themselves before their historical oppressors.(The New Yorker)

5. "We are ignorant of the ultimate destinies of humanity, but feel perfectly sure that it is as noble a work to raise its level... as it would be disgraceful to abase it".(The New Yorker)

6. Moving in him in the dark, these inchoate impulses of shame may be an element in what makes him want to abase himself before Marina.(The New Yorker)


abase onself


late 14c., "reduce in rank, etc.," from Old French abaissier "diminish, make lower in value or status; lower oneself" (12c.), literally "bend, lean down," from Vulgar Latin *ad bassiare "bring lower," from ad "to, toward" (see ad-) + Late Latin bassus "low, short" (see base (adj.)).

The form in English was altered 16c. by influence of base (adj.), making the word an exception to the rule that Old French verbs with stem -iss- enter English as -ish (comprehension might have played a role; earlier forms of abase often are identical with those of abash). Literal sense of "lower, depress" (late 15c.) is archaic or obsolete. Related: Abased; abasing.


debase, degrade, demean,  lessen


elevate, ennoble, uplift

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      本文标题:词为我用 - abase
