每日英语 36

作者: 6c309803c4cb | 来源:发表于2019-04-29 23:23 被阅读2次

Idiom of the Day

🇦🇺up a gum tree

✍🏾Meaning: If you're up a gum tree, you're in trouble or have a serious problem.

❕For example:

🔺The company is up a gum tree because they broke some laws about polluting the environment, and they'll probably get closed down.

🔺My mate Bruce is up a gum tree. He got a sheila up the duff and now she's twisting his arm to get hitched. (see Note 2 below)

💥Note: 1. This idiom is similar in meaning to "up the creek without a paddle". 2. This can be translated as follows: "My friend Bruce is in trouble. He caused a woman to become pregnant and now she's pressuring him to marry her."

👁‍🗨Variety: This idiom is typically used in Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.





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