

作者: Purson | 来源:发表于2019-02-26 17:23 被阅读0次


    安装一个 Docker 的环境
    Kubernetes 是 Google 开源的容器集群管理系

    我对docker的理解,它是一个开源的类虚拟机的东西,有着比虚拟机优秀的性能,能快速封装软件环境,提供微服务。docker有三层,从低到高分别是container、service 、stack. 底层的container相当于image的实例,service相当于某一个功能,比如数据库、app、前端等;stack通过YAML格式的compose文件将服务组装起来。其中的docker-machine能轻易地实现分布式应用以及部署。


    # docker build -t hello . Create image using this directory's Dockerfile
    # docker run -p 4000:80 hello Run friendlyname mapping port 4000 to 80
    # docker run -d  -p 4000:80 hello Same thing, but in detached mode
    # docker container ls List all running containers
    # docker container ls -a List all containers, even those not running
    # docker container stop <hash> Gracefully stop the specified container
    # docker container kill <hash> Force shutdown of the specified container
    # docker container rm <hash> Remove specified container from this machine 
    # docker container rm $(docker image ls -a -q) Remove all containers
    # docker image ls -a List all images on this machine
    # docker image rm <image id> remove sepcified image from this machine
    # docker image rm $(docker image ls -a -q) Remove all images from this machine
    # docker login Login in this CLI session using your Docker credentials
    # docker tag <image> username/repositoty:tag # Tag <image> for upload to registry
    # docker push username/repository:tag  #Upload taged image to registry
    # docker run username/repository:tag # Run image from a registry
    # docker stack ls # List stacks or apps
    # docker stack deploy -c <composefile> <appname># Run the sepcified Compose file
    # docker service ls # List running services associated with an app
    # docker service ps <service> # List tasks associated with an app
    # docker inspect <task or container> # Inspect task or container
    # docker container ls  -q # List container IDs
    # docker stack rm <appname> # Tear down an application
    # docker swarm leave --force # Take down a sigle node swarm from the manager
    # docker-machine ssh myvm1 "docker swarm init --advertise-addr <myvm1 ip>"
    # docker-machine create myvm2 -d virtualbox --virtualbox-boot2docker-url=/Users/purson/.docker/machine/cache/boot2docker.iso #create a vm
    # docker-machine env myvm1 # View basic information about your node
    # docker-machine ssh myvm1 "docker ls node" #List the nodes in your swarm
    # docker-machine ssh myvm1 "docker inspect <node ID>"  #Inspect a node
    # docker-machine ssh myvm1 "docker swarm join-token -q worker" # View join token
    # docker-machine ssh myvm1 # Open a SSH session with the VM; type 'exit' to end
    # docker node list # View nodes in Swarm(while log on to manager) 
    # docker-machine ssh myvm2 "docker swarm leave" # Make the worker leave the swarm
    # docker-machine ssh myvm1 "docker swarm leave -f" # Make master leave, kill swarm
    # docker-machine ls # List VMs , astrisk shows which VM this shell is talking to
    # docker-machine start myvm1 # Start a VM that is currently not running 
    # docker-machine env myvm1 # Show envirement variables and command for myvm1.
    # eval $(docker-machine env myvm1) # Mac command to connect shell to myvm1
    # docker stack deploy -c <file> <app> # Deploy an app; command shell must be set to talk to manager(myvm1), uses local compose file
    # docker-machine scp docker-compose.yml myvm1:~ # Copy file to node's home dir (only required if you use ssh  connect to manager and deploy the app )
    # docker-machine ssh myvm1 "docker stack deploy -c <file> <app>" # Deploy an app using ssh(you must have first copied the Compose file to myvm1)
    # eval $(docker-machine env -u) #Disconnect shell from vms, use native docker
    # docker-machine stop $(docker-machine ls -q)# Stop all running VMs
    # docker-machine rm $(docker-machine ls -q) # Delete all VMs and their disk images

    1.app.py文件最后一句 if name == "main": 没有indent, 导致服务无法开启。
    2.虚拟机启动,由于我用手机热点,加上github慢,所以不能用docker-machine create --driver virtualbox myvm1,先将boot2docker.iso下载到本地,
    改为:docker-machine create myvm2 -d virtualbox --virtualbox-boot2docker-url=/Users/purson/.docker/machine/cache/boot2docker.iso
    3.在第四节 swarm,使用docker stack deploy -c 无法访问分布式节点,目前还未有解,先把整个流程看完再算。

    阅读运维相关的https://logz.io/learn/docker-monitoring-elk-stack/ 踩到的坑:
    1.在构建java环境的时候,由于ubuntu 16.10不再被支持,所以无法下载相关包,最后Dockerfile更改了ubuntu版本为16.04,源更换为清华的:

    FROM ubuntu:16.04
    MAINTAINER Author name
    RUN rm /etc/apt/sources.list
    RUN echo "deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted \
    deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial-updates main restricted \
    deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial universe \
    deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial-updates universe \
    deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial multiverse \
    deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial-updates multiverse \
    deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse \
    deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial-security main restricted \
    deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial-security universe \
    deb http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ xenial-security multiverse \
    " > /etc/apt/sources.list
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN apt-get install -y python-software-properties software-properties-common
    RUN \
      echo oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | debconf-set-selections && \
      add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java && \
      apt-get update && \
      apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer
    RUN useradd -d /home/esuser -m esuser
    WORKDIR /home/esuser
    ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle



