if you want to use this library,just a few steps:
Firstly,import the name of the library --> XYXCirculateView
Than write the following lines of code
// create object
XYXCirculateView *circulate = [[XYXCirculateViewalloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,self.view.bounds.size.width,200)];
// add view
//set images to show (the number of iamge is free)
circulate.imagesArray = @[[UIImageimageNamed:@"imagename1"],[UIImageimageNamed:@"imagename2"],[UIImageimageNamed:@"imagename3"],[UIImageimageNamed:@"imagename4"]];
//the following code is not necessary (currentColor default is green ,otherColor default is gray)
circulate.currentColor = [UIColorredColor]; circulate.otherColor = [UIColordarkGrayColor];