(麦凯恩遗孀辛迪.亨斯利.麦凯恩)我满怀感激地奉献了60年岁月的美国同胞们,尤其是亚利桑那州的同胞们,我在此感谢你们赋予我用自己这够本的一辈子你们从戎装到公职服务的机会。My fellow Americans, whom I have gratefully served for 60 years, and especially my fellow Arizonians, thank you for the privilege of serving you and for the rewarding life that service in uniform and in public office has allowed me to lead. 我始终尝试着为这个国家光明磊落地奉献服务。 I've tried to serve our country honorably. 我犯过错误,但我希望我对美国的赤心热爱能够超越这些舛误。 I've made mistakes, but I hope my love for America will be weighed favorably against them. 我常常注意到,自己是这个世界上最荣幸的那个人。 I've often observed that I am the luckiest person on Earth. 即便如今我在面对自己生命的终结,我依然如此认为。 I feel that way even now as I prepare for the end of my life. 我深爱着自己生命中的每一部分。 I've loved my life, all of it.
我有过的经历,冒险与友谊足够过上了十辈子,而我对此是那样心怀感激。I've had experiences, adventures, friendships enough for ten satisfying lives and I am so thankful. 我和多数人相仿,有过后悔的事,但我不会就因为这些日子的好坏,而会去和别人交换生命中的任何一天。 Like most people, I have regrets but I would not trade a day of my life in good or bad times for the best day of anybody else's. 我对自己家庭给予的爱充满亏欠。I owe the satisfaction to the love of my family. 没有人会比我拥有一个更举案齐眉的贤内助,一群更令人由衷自豪的子女。One man has never had a more loving wife or children he was prouder of than I am of mine.
(麦凯恩去世后,依惯例于其参议员席位缀上的黑纱和白玫瑰)我对这个国家的事业,自由,公平正义,对不同人格的同等尊重也充满亏欠;这些远比生活中稍纵即逝的快乐要崇高的多。And I owe it to America to be connected with America's causes, liberty, equal justice, respect for the dignity of all people brings happiness more sublime that life's fleeting pleasures. 我们的身份和自我价值不会被为比我们本身更加高尚的事业奉献而缩小,只会因此逐渐恢弘飞扬。Our identities and sense of worth are not circumscribed but are enlarged by serving good causes bigger than ourselves.
(里克.戴维斯)美国的同胞们,这一身份的联结要远比其他的事情更为显要。Fellow Americans, that association has meant more to me than any other. 我作为一名自豪的美国人而生时故去。I lived and died a proud American. 我们是这个世界绍最伟大的共和国的子民。We are citizens of the world's greatest republic. 我们是一个理想的国度,而不是一个血与土壤的国度(注:“血与土壤”是法西斯主义常见口号)。A nation of ideals, not blood and soil. 我们是被祝福过的子民,也在我们在这个国家和全世界诠释与推动这些理想的时,对人类的祝福。
(自左至右:亚利桑那州长道格.杜西,麦凯恩女儿梅根.麦凯恩,麦凯恩女儿布丽吉特.麦凯恩)We are blessed and a blessing to humanity when we uphold and advance those ideals at home and in the world. 我们在历史上,将最多的人从暴权和贫困中解放出来。We have helped liberate more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history. 我们在这一征途中获取了庞大的财富和力量。We have acquired great wealth and power in the progress. 当我们对这个国家的热爱会和我们那些向世界播撒敌视和仇恨的对手混淆时,我们削弱了自己的伟大之处。We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe. 当我们在畏缩于高墙背后,而非推倒它们时;当我们怀疑自己始终崇高的理想的力量,而非坚信它们时,我们削弱了自己的伟大之处。We weaken it when we hide behind walls rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always been. 我们是3.25亿执着己见而又奔走呼号的个体。 We are 325 million opinionated, vociferous individuals. 我们在嘈杂的争辩中会去争执,会去对抗,甚至会去丑化对方。 We argue and compete and sometimes even vilify each other in our raucous public debates.
然而,我们之间的相同之处,总会比我们的区别要更多。But, we have always had so much more in common with each other than in disagreement. 只有当我们秉心铭记并信任对方也是热爱这一国家的子民时,我们才会同舟共济,度过这倥偬的岁月。If only we remember that and give each other the benefit of the presumption that we all love our country, we'll get through these challenging times. 我们风雨过后只会比过往更加所向披靡。
(麦凯恩于2008年美国总统大选)We will come through them stronger than before. 我们始终如此。We always do. 十载之前,我幸运地拥有承认总统竞选失败的权利。Ten years ago, I had the privilege to concede defeat in the election for president. 我想让自己的这段临别词以我对这国家的子民由心的信念,如同十年前那个夜晚一般的信念来做结尾。I want to end my farewell to you with heartfelt faith in Americans that I felt so powerfully that evening. 我至今仍能强烈地感受到它。I feel it powerfully still. 不要为我们如今的困境而心灰意冷,我们自始至终相信着美国赋予我们的承诺和光荣,因为在此地,一切都必将发生。Do not despair of our present difficulties, we believe always in the promise and greatness of America because nothing is inevitable here. 美国永不退怯,永不屈服,永不躲在历史背后;我们开天辟地,创造历史。Americans never quit, we never surrender, we never hide from history, we make history. 我的美国同胞们,在此告别了。Farewell fellow Americans. 上帝保佑你们,也让上帝保佑美国。God bless you and god bless America.