if (itemCapacity > arrayCapacity) {
newCapacity = getNewCapacity();
array = growArray(array, newCapacity);
ArrayList 中 growFactor = 0.5, minCapacity = 10 ,maxCapacity = 0x7fffffff - 8,也就是说,初始容量为 10,每次扩容 1.5 倍,最大容量 0x7fffffff - 8
* Default initial capacity.
private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;
* Shared empty array instance used for empty instances.
private static final Object[] EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = {};
* Shared empty array instance used for default sized empty instances. We
* distinguish this from EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA to know how much to inflate when
* first element is added.
private static final Object[] DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = {};
* Increases the capacity to ensure that it can hold at least the
* number of elements specified by the minimum capacity argument.
* @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity
private void grow(int minCapacity) {
// ...
ArrayList 中维护了一个私有类 SubList
private class SubList extends AbstractList<E> implements RandomAccess {
private final AbstractList<E> parent;
private final int parentOffset;
private final int offset;
// ...
SubList 也作为一种 List,它能够截取自身 ArrayList 的一段数组,在这里,它生成的不是快照,而只是复制的一份 引用
也就是说,你对截取的 SubList 做的任何操作将会直接反映到 ArrayList 堆内存中,这是一个应该值得注意的地方
LinkedList 作为一种 双端链表,采用 链表 链接的方式实现容器,内部维护了一个私有类 Node,也就是说,如果要让 LinkedList 支持索引功能,那将会花费更大的开销
public class LinkedList<E>
extends AbstractSequentialList<E>
implements List<E>, Deque<E>, Cloneable, java.io.Serializable
* Pointer to first node.
* Invariant: (first == null && last == null) ||
* (first.prev == null && first.item != null)
transient Node<E> first;
* Pointer to last node.
* Invariant: (first == null && last == null) ||
* (last.next == null && last.item != null)
transient Node<E> last;
private static class Node<E> {
E item;
Node<E> next;
Node<E> prev;
// ...
LinkedList 如果只是当一个 List 用的话,恐怕是太浪费了,如果我们仔细观察下文章开始给的 List 框架设计图,会发现 LinkedList 拥有很多数据结构的功能
LinkedList 作为 索引列表 的同时,既能作为 先进先出队列,又能作为 双端队列,还具备 栈 的能力
也就是说,LinkedList 能够转换成多种角色,这将都归功于面向接口编程的思想
Vector 是一种 线程安全的自扩容性的数组,内部实现和
ArrayList 差不多一模一样,一个细节的差别在于,Vector 每次扩容是当前容量的 2 倍,而 ArrayList 是 1.5 倍,扩容是一项损耗效率的操作,在并发条件下由为明显,这可能就是两者扩容因子不同设计的初衷
Vector 被设计为线程安全的容器,内部采用最传统的方式,对大部分访问的方法都加全局锁
Vector 在高并发的条件下,效率是非常低下的,因此及其 不推荐使用 该类,如果需要线程共享时,我们甚至可以采取其他措施来实现,或者考虑 CopyOnWriteArrayList
ArrayDeque 使用 数组实现双端队列,内部维护两个索引 head 与 tail,分别指向队头和队尾,当对队列进行对结构有变动的操作时,会立即 同步 到这两个索引
public class ArrayDeque<E> extends AbstractCollection<E>
implements Deque<E>, Cloneable, Serializable
* The array in which the elements of the deque are stored.
* The capacity of the deque is the length of this array, which is
* always a power of two. The array is never allowed to become
* full, except transiently within an addX method where it is
* resized (see doubleCapacity) immediately upon becoming full,
* thus avoiding head and tail wrapping around to equal each
* other. We also guarantee that all array cells not holding
* deque elements are always null.
transient Object[] elements; // non-private to simplify nested class access
* The index of the element at the head of the deque (which is the
* element that would be removed by remove() or pop()); or an
* arbitrary number equal to tail if the deque is empty.
transient int head;
* The index at which the next element would be added to the tail
* of the deque (via addLast(E), add(E), or push(E)).
transient int tail;
一开始 head 是在 tail 左边的,即入队时是 tail++,随着我们对容器的操作,head 与 tail 会随着同步一直增长,当索引超出数组范围时,将直接置零,出栈和入栈的操作大致相同,就不细谈了
下面代码中是 poll 的例子,在 ArrayDeque 里,数组容量为 2 的指数倍,elements.length - 1 正好构成 低位掩码
head = (h + 1) & (elements.length - 1);
在入队时,在队列不为空的情况下,发现 head 和 tail 相等,就代表数组已满,此时需对数组进行扩容,ArrayDeque 默认容量为 8,每次扩容 2 倍
if ( (tail = (tail + 1) & (elements.length - 1)) == head)
现在看来,如果我们不需要索引元素,只需要队列功能的话,基于数组的 ArrayDeque 应该是最好的选择,因为占用内存往往要少于基于链表的 LinkedList
PriorityQueue 作为一种 优先队列,内部依靠维护一个 堆化数组,来保持出队的优先级,优先级由 Comparator 决定,若未指定比较器,默认采用队列元素 Conparable 升序排列
public class PriorityQueue<E> extends AbstractQueue<E>
implements java.io.Serializable {
* Priority queue represented as a balanced binary heap: the two
* children of queue[n] are queue[2*n+1] and queue[2*(n+1)]. The
* priority queue is ordered by comparator, or by the elements'
* natural ordering, if comparator is null: For each node n in the
* heap and each descendant d of n, n <= d. The element with the
* lowest value is in queue[0], assuming the queue is nonempty.
transient Object[] queue; // non-private to simplify nested class access
* The comparator, or null if priority queue uses elements'
* natural ordering.
private final Comparator<? super E> comparator;
// ...
内部数组扩容时,在数组较小时,扩容 2 倍,数组较大时,扩容 1.5 倍,阈值取值为 64,之所以采取如此策略,可能是因为减少容量大时扩容对堆维护损带来的性能损耗
* Increases the capacity of the array.
* @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity
private void grow(int minCapacity) {
int oldCapacity = queue.length;
// Double size if small; else grow by 50%
// ...
出入队时,将当前元素与相关上下层进行元素交换来维护堆的性质,构建最大堆或最小堆,可以说和排序算法 - 堆排 [3] 完全一样
* Establishes the heap invariant (described above) in the entire tree,
* assuming nothing about the order of the elements prior to the call.
private void heapify() {...}
* Inserts item x at position k, maintaining heap invariant by
* promoting x up the tree until it is greater than or equal to
* its parent, or is the root.
* To simplify and speed up coercions and comparisons. the
* Comparable and Comparator versions are separated into different
* methods that are otherwise identical. (Similarly for siftDown.)
* @param k the position to fill
* @param x the item to insert
private void siftUp(int k, E x) {...}
* Inserts item x at position k, maintaining heap invariant by
* demoting x down the tree repeatedly until it is less than or
* equal to its children or is a leaf.
* @param k the position to fill
* @param x the item to insert
private void siftDown(int k, E x) {...}
1. Jdk 源码 1.8
2. Jdk 官方文档