- encode predicates and connectives
- encode forall
(* Typing predicates *)
Parameters (prime_divisor : nat -> nat)
(prime : nat -> Prop)
(divides : nat->nat-> Prop).
Check prime_divisor 220. (* prime_divisor n is a prime number *)
Check prime 5. (* 5 is prime *)
(* Parameterize data type *)
Parameter binary_word : nat -> Type.
Definition short : Set = binary_word 32.
(* encode forall *)
Check (forall A B :Set, A->B->A*B).
Parameter prime_divisor_correct : forall n:nat, 2 <= n -> let d := prime_divisor n in prime d /\ divides d n.
Check prime_divisor_correct 220.
Check le_S.
Check cons.
Check pair.
(* Polymorphism *)
(* Parameter iterate : forall A:Set, (A->A)->nat->A->A. *)
Fixpoint iterate (A:Type)(f:A->A)(n:nat)(x:A) : A :=
match n with
| O => x
| S p => f (iterate A f p x)
Check (iterate nat).
Compute (iterate _ (mult 2) 10 2).
Definition twice : forall A:Set, (A->A)->A->A := fun A f a => f (f a).
Require Import ZArith.
Compute (twice Z (fun z=>(z*z)%Z) 2%Z).
Compute (twice _ (fun n=>(n*n)) 2).