My room which toward north was full of broad daylight. In some haste and confusion I recalled what day it was, and got up to draw the curtain and opened the window when I began to understand it was a saturday.The blue of the late autumn sky was rather bright and high and far,and covered with a few thin strands of white clouds like smoke and fog, the sun was shining over the tall building and spread the golden rays in several directions.
I devoted more leisure time than usual to my toilet, washed and combed meticulously until I was as fresh and immaculate as if I were about to pay a call on a conventional well-bred family with whom I would have to look my best and be on my best behavior, and as I went through the processes of dressing I listened to the merry and brisk beating of my heart.
How bright it was outside, I would have felt better than anytime before or after.