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Fiori-like Prototype ( SAP GUI connector for Microsoft Edge )

User Story:
SAP GUI connector for Microsoft Edge is a browser extension which is used by SAP GUI for Windows to open SAP HTML applications in Edge browser. SAP HTML applications can be rendered in-place/out-place mode. For outplace rendering, SAP GUI has to pass some information to the Edge browser but Edge browser doesn’t support any APIs to pass this information. So to open SAP HTML applications in Edge browser, this extension acts as a bridge between Edge browser and SAP GUI for Windows. This extension can be used from SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 and higher versions.

HTML Control based on Microsoft Edge / WebView 2: Enhancements
( Full Browser Window when detaching URLs )
The HTML Control based on WebView2 is still a relatively new control based on a new Microsoft component with some restrictions (as per SAP Note 2901278). Release 8.00 solved one of the most important issues: When SAP GUI opens an external browser window through the HTML Control only a browser tab appears (missing navigation, menu, and the options for grouping tabs). Thanks to a new browser extension for Microsoft Edge this limitation no longer applies and the HTML Control based on Edge can open a fully working Edge browser window like the HTML Control based on Internet Explorer already could.

Microsoft Edge WebView2
Embed web content (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in your native applications with Microsoft Edge WebView2.

SAP Java Connector
The SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) is a development library that enables a Java application to communicate with SAP systems via SAP's RFC protocol. The SAP JCo supports both communication directions: inbound Remote Function Calls (Java calls ABAP) as well as outbound Remote Function Calls (ABAP calls Java).
Benefits of the SAP Java Connector for building SAP-enabled Java applications:
1. High performance JNI-based RFC middleware.
2. Supports R/3 3.1I and higher releases (and other SAP components that have BAPIs or RFMs).
3. Supports inbound (Java client calls BAPI or RFM) and outbound (ABAP calls Java server) RFC communication.
4. Supports synchronous, transactional, queued and background RFC (sRfc, tRfc, qRfc, bgRfc protocols).
5. Supports classic RFC data serialization as well as xRfc, basXML and cbRfc (column based/fast serialization) formats.
6. Supports RFC communication via classic CPIC and via WebSocket network protocol.
7. Provides client connection pooling.
8. Multi-platform support.
9. Complete and correct code page handling (including Unicode and non-Unicode single- and multi-byte code pages).

Demo 001

ShowCase 001

Showcase 001 GIF

Demo 002

Showcase 002

Showcase 002 GIF

HTML Control based on Microsoft Edge / WebView 2: Enhancements