英语口语 101-105

英语口语 101-105

作者: 变瘦了吗 | 来源:发表于2020-04-18 16:27 被阅读0次

    1. hunt v. 寻找

    hunt for sth 寻找某物

    high and low= everywhere 到处

    condominium 公寓大楼

    condo 一套公寓住房

    duplex 连栋式的两栋住宅,联式房屋,占两层楼的公寓套房

    all the way 完全地

    (out)in the middle of nowhere 在荒无人烟的地方

    godforsaken 荒凉的,荒无人烟的

    RAF = Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军

    full-size bed 双人床

    nightstand 床头柜

    built-in 嵌入式的

    apartment listings 租房广告

    affordable 价格合理的

    sth be available in + 一段时间


    studio 单间公寓

    chip in on sth for sb 为某人凑钱...

    chip in with +钱 + for sth for sb


    chip in for sth 为某事分摊钱

    filter 过滤器

    purifier 净化器

    2. IOU = I owe you 借据,欠条

    Money makes the mare go = Money talks. 有钱能使鬼推磨

    mare (成年)母马 (偏贬义)

    put aside sth = save 存钱

    A penny saved is a penny earned. 能省则省

    have money to burn 挥霍金钱

    get one's act together 有条理地行事,合理安排

    make a big deal out of sth 小题大做

    deadbeat 赖账者,赖账的


    start sb a tab

    run a tab

    on credit

    sb be in arrears

    tab (待付的)账单,账款

    credit n.赊购,赊账

    arrears 应付的欠款

    rent arrears 逾期未付的租金

    in arrears 拖欠,赊账

    sb be in arrears 某人赊账

    put sb/ sth in the first place 把某人/ 物放在第一位

    in the first place 一开始,起初

    jam 困境,窘境

    a financial jam 经济困难

    go a long way toward(s)/ to doing sth = be very helpful

    honor v. 信守,执行,兑现(承诺或协议)

    honor one's debt 还钱

    3. run sth by sb 向某人征求对...的看法,就某事请教某人

    run some ideas by/ past sb 就一些想法向某人请教

    run sth by me= tell me sth f= 告诉我某事

    pick one's brain(s) 询问某人建议,征求某人看法

    pick one's brain(s)  about sth 就某事询问某人建议

    take a tip from sb 向某人请教

    bounce ideas off someone 从某人身上反射出意见,引申为:征求某人的意见

    What's good ?  = What's up ? 有什么事?

    tax help 税务帮助,给予与税务相关的一系列帮助(专业名词),不用加冠词或复数

    tax v. 对...征税, n. 税款

    tax the rich 向富人征税

    put a tax on sb/ sth , make sb/ sth pay tax 向...征税

    pay the tax on sth 缴纳某物的税

    individual income tax 个人所得税

    over= during adv. 在...期间

    What's the deal ?= What's up ? 出什么事了,怎么了?

    What's the deal with sth ?某物怎么了?

    survive sth with sb 与某人一起从某事中存活

    hold out 坚持

    4. heavy traffic/ tons of traffic/ a load of traffic/ a large amount of traffic 车流很大

    overpass 立交桥,天桥,高架

    join + 人/ 某个组织

    join in + 竞赛/ 娱乐/ 游戏

    back out 食言

    at the eleventh hour 在最后时刻

    go back on sth 违背什么,改变什么(承诺,协议,决定)

    renege on sth 违背某事

    renege on a deal 毁约

    run into sth 遭遇什么,遇到什么

    today,of all days 偏偏是今天;特别是今天

    knock off (work)下班

    check up on sb 查谁的岗

    check up on sth 检查什么

    passive-aggressive 消极抵抗的,被动攻击的

    5. sth be on the rocks ...濒临破裂(关系),(企业/生意等)陷入困境或者濒临破产

    be as solid as a rock (关系)坚如磐石

    A-OK ...一切都很好,很顺利

    get off sb's back 不要再唠叨/ 数落某人

    sb be made of money 某人很有钱

    burn a hole in sb's pocket 挥霍金钱

    throw money at sth 大量花钱(不经深思熟虑,以解决某个问题)

    splurge n.v. 挥霍,乱花钱

    splurge on sth 在...上挥霍/ 破费一次

    splurge sth on sth 在...上挥霍

    rebound rate 反弹频率,恢复频率

    on the rebound (因失恋而)处于心灰意冷的状态



          本文标题:英语口语 101-105
