第47期 大总结(其一)14/05/2019

第47期 大总结(其一)14/05/2019

作者: 黄子腾HZT_0078748 | 来源:发表于2019-05-12 09:20 被阅读0次

    An element is a substance that cannot be broken into a simpler substance

    E.g.: Iron  (Fe)

    An atom is the smallest part of a chemical element that can take part in a chemical reaction

    A molecule consists of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds

    E.g; H2, CO2

    A compound consists of two or more elements chemically bonded together in fixed proportions

    E.g: NaCl (Sodium Chloride)- two different elements in 1:1 ratio

    A reactant is a substance used up in a chemical reaction

    A product is a substance formed in chemical reaction

    E.g:   C6H12O6   +   6O2  ----->  6CO2   +  6CO2

                     (Reactant)                           (Product)

    All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds

    E.g: CO2 can be both a compound and a molecule because CO2 has two and more atoms held together by chemical bonds; also, it consists of two or more elements chemically bonded together in fixed proportions.

    Electron configuration

    Electrons are arranged in shells or energy levels surrounding the nucleus. There is a limit t the numbers of electrons in each shell: 2,8,8


    An atom has the same numbers of protons and electrons but the different number of neutrons.

    The body fights to keep its internal environment when the external environment is acting to change it. This process is call homeostasis

    The internal environment is anything having to do inside the body

    The external environment is everything around you that can influence you.

    Homeostasis is important for our health because our bodies work under certain conditions. If we cannot keep it certain, we can get very sick or even die. So, it is important for all the living organisms including animals, plants, fungi and bacteria.

    Body temperature

    Too high – proteins/ enzymes (one type of protein) denature change shape/ no longer function.  Ps: enzymes are required for every body reaction.

    Body temperature

    Too low – sweating excessively – loss of body fluids – low blood volume – low blood pressure (in the capillaries) – water leaving capillaries water/ oxygen and glucose – no respiration – shock

    High body water

    High body pressure – damage walls of blood vessels – hemorrhage/ stroke

    High body pressure – strain your heart has to wrote harder to pump blood around the body.

    High blood sugar

    – water moves into blood by osmosis which is movement of water or other solvent through a cell membrane from a region of low solute concentration to a region of high solute concentration.

    Low blood sugar

    –   less glucose available for respiration

    –   cells won’t generate energy/ can’t function

    Endocrine system

    –   a set of glands/ organs in the body that secretes hormones in the bloodstream

    –   to maintain homeostasis

    Exocrine gland

    –   secretes a substance into a tubular structure/ not into the bloodstream

    e.g.: sweat gland, salivary blood

    Pituitary gland

    -secretes hormones that control the secretion of other glands such as the adrenal gland and the thyroid gland

    Adrenal gland

    -secretes adrenaline into the bloodstream

    Thyroid gland

    -secretes thyroid hormone (thyroxine)

    Adrenaline travels through the bloodstream and controls the function of several organs

    -eye               -lungs               -blood vessels

    -heart            -muscles          -liver            

    Adrenaline can be secreted very quickly in response to an external stimulus. This is because its secretion is regulated by neurons which travel between the brain and the adrenal gland

    Adrenaline is secreted from specialised neurons call chromaffin cells

    Electrical impulse is designed to receive messages from other cells and external stimulate.

    E.g. : pain, heat, touch etc

    Neurons are designed to conduct electrical impulses very quickly. This ensures the secretion of adrenaline happens quickly after the stimulus. They have a very specialised cell structure which facilitates the rapid conduction of electrical impulses

    Cell body carries out all normal metabolic functions of cell

    Axon terminal sends a message to another neuron

    -cause a muscle to contact and secrete

    Dendrites is stimulated by environment changes or the activities of other cells



          本文标题:第47期 大总结(其一)14/05/2019
