Medium精选 | Minimum Beautiful Pro

Medium精选 | Minimum Beautiful Pro

作者: 一寸一欢喜 | 来源:发表于2018-05-07 07:48 被阅读0次

Stop using “MVP” as an excuse to launch shit products

I’ve been facing a bit of cognitive dissonance recently around the concept of an “Minimum Viable Product”. In case you’re not from startup-land, the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the smallest, most concise version of your product you can initially release for feedback. It enables a full turn of the feedback loop with the least amount of development time and effort.


Basically it’s a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for future product development. It was introduced in 2011 by Eric Ries in his now-famous book The Lean Startup. On the surface, it’s a perfect concept for working and improving your product fast.

基本上它只是一种仅以必要功能来满足早期用户需求的产品,并为未来的产品开发提供反馈。它最早于2011年由Eric Ries在他著名书作《精益创业》中提出。表面上看,这是一个完美的概念,可以快速改善您的产品。

I’m all for the basic concepts of MVP but here’s the problem: you understand what an MVP is because you’re a founder or part of a startup team. If your business model is B2C or you’re selling to a mass market, what do you reckon the chances are that your leads and customers know what an MVP is? To them, it’s just a half-baked solution and really bad first impression.


This problem came up recently because I come from both sides of the creative process. I’m what I would call an “agile engineer” (where I value getting shit done, getting to market, iterating in sprints, etc) but a “perfectionist designer” (wanting each release of a product to have a flawless user experience).

这个问题最近出现了,因为我兼具两方面的创作过程:我既是一个所谓的“敏捷工程师”(这种情况下,我倾向于快速完成产品,即便很烂,也要把它推向市场,之后在每一个sprint中完成迭代),同时也是一个“完美主义设计师”(这种情况下,我希望每次发布的产品都具有完美无瑕的用户体验) 。

It might seem like knowing both design and engineering is a blessing but in reality it’s really just a series of difficult choices, most of them coming back to how to compromise in a given situation. I thought about this for a couple of weeks and posted a simple idea in my weekly newsletter that received a ton of feedback: the Minimum Beautiful Product.


I think there’s something between MVP and perfected release… the Minimum Beautiful Product perhaps. An MVP that you’ve taken an extra few hours to polish so you make a good first impression to your customers or leads.

我认为在「最小可用」和「完美发布」之间还有一些东西...... 也许就是最小出色产品(Minimum Beautiful Product),一个在MVP的基础上继续花上几个小时打磨的产品,以便可以给你的客户或潜在用户留下好的第一印象。

Besides making designers feel better about the work they’re releasing, the Minimum Beautiful Product concept has a handful of benefits to quite a few different aspects of a startup, primarily engineering and growth. One of the biggest problems for startup teams is that founders or engineers are using the MVP concept as an excuse to write bad software. But it’s more than just technical debt and a bad codebase — MVPs only exist to the startup, not to the market. To your user, you’re just delivering a bad user experience.

除了让设计师对他们发布的产品感觉更好之外,“最小出色产品”概念对于初创公司的几个不同方面(主要是工程和增长)都有一些好处。创业团队面临的最大问题之一是创始人或工程师正在使用MVP概念作为编写糟糕软件的借口。但它不仅仅是技术债务和糟糕的代码库 ——MVP的概念只是对创业团队而言,而不是市场。对于你的用户而言,就是糟糕的用户体验。

It doesn’t matter if you plan to rebuild on React, GraphQL and Redux, you’ve still shown your customer or lead that you’re willing to ship badly designed products. At the end of the day, customers don’t give a shit what technology your platform is built on as long as it looks and feels amazing.


“The problem I see is that people take the ideas of ‘lean’ and ‘agile’ and use them as excuses to simply rush things out the door more quickly while taking on massive amounts of technical debt.”

— Ben Halpern


-  Ben Halpern

I think it’s important to take lean and agile development with a huge grain of salt. I’ve yet to work with a startup founder that doesn’t look up to Apple as their inspiration, hanging up cliche Startup Vitamin posters that quote “done is better than perfect” and an portrait of an inquisitive Steve Jobs looming over their dedicated co-working desk, demanding quality.


The irony is that most founders don’t realise that the concept of an MVP is the complete opposite of what made Apple a huge success. They only released finished products that delighted themselves to the extent that they were dubbed “insanely great”. Try hanging a poster up in an Apple campus office with the quote “fuck it, ship it” and see how well that goes.


“If you decide to build a feature you should live up to at least a basic standard of execution on the experience side.”

— Ryan Singer



              - Ryan Singer

The best companies, like Slack and Stripe, understand that product, brand and communication design are a massive point of differentiation when you’re entering a competitive market. Slack realised this when they were coming up against Hipchat and Skype in the team communication market, which in turn has spawned an industry of copycats and forced Atlassian to rebuild and redesign their defacto communication platform as Stride.


As I mentioned in my article on convincing your company to invest in design, the reason Slack is defensible is its attention to detail. While the product itself is relatively simple, the design aesthetic, brand and user experience is unparalleled. You just can’t clone that. Design doesn’t just have to be a bonus on top of your features. You can use it as a point of differentiation to help you penetrate competitive markets, regardless of the size of your competitors.


I’ve seen the concept of an MVP challenged quite a bit recently, in articles such as the Minimum Loveable Product and the Riskiest Assumption Test. I’m not saying being lean or the concept of an MVP is wrong by any means but I do believe that startup founders and teams need to think a bit more about what “minimum viable” really means for them and how it’s going to impact their customers and leads.

我最近常看到MVP概念受到挑战,比如MLP(Minimum Loveable Product)和RAT(Riskiest Assumption Test)。我并不是说「敏捷开发」或者「MVP」的概念完全是错误的,但我确实相信创业公司的创始人和团队需要更多地考虑“最小可用性”对他们究竟意味着什么以及它会如何影响他们用户和潜在客户。

Maybe spending an extra day adding animation and polishing the navigation menu to improve the user experience isn’t such a bad idea after all?




      本文标题:Medium精选 | Minimum Beautiful Pro
