

作者: tom_xin | 来源:发表于2018-12-16 22:05 被阅读0次





 * 自定义事件实体类 必须继承ApplicationEvent类
 * @author tomxin
 * @since 2018-12-16
public class DemoEvent extends ApplicationEvent {

    private String message;

     * Create a new ApplicationEvent.
     * @param source the object on which the event initially occurred (never {@code null})
    public DemoEvent(Object source) {

    public void setMessage(String message) {
        this.message = message;

    public String getMessage() {
        return this.message;

 * 事件监听者
 * @author tomxin
 * @since 2018-12-16
public class DemoListener implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEvent> {

    private ReceiverService receiverService;

     * 构造函数
    public DemoListener() {
        receiverService = new ReceiverService();

     * 实现ApplicationListener的onApplicationEvent方法
     * @param event
    public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
        if (event instanceof DemoEvent) {
            receiverService.receive(((DemoEvent) event).getMessage());
        } else {
            System.out.println("event class " + event.getClass());

 * 事件接收,具体处理方法的类
 * @author tomxin
 * @since 2018-12-16
public class ReceiverService {

     * 接收方法
     * @param message
    public void receive(String message) {
        System.out.println("receiver message" + message);

 * 消息发送实体类
 * @author tomxin
 * @since 2018-12-16
public class PublishService {

     * 发送消息的方法
    public void sendMessage() {
        // 创建一个发送信息的实体类
        ApplicationEventMulticaster applicationEventMulticaster = new SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster();
        // 将Listener实例化,并加载到监听者列表中。
        DemoListener demoListener = new DemoListener();
        // 承载消息的实体类,封装信息内容,消息实体类必须继承ApplicationEvent
        DemoEvent event = new DemoEvent("tomxin");
        event.setMessage("demo event message");
        // 发送消息

// main 方法
public class EventTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 初始化发布者实体类
        PublishService publishService = new PublishService();
        // 发送消息










public abstract class AbstractApplicationEventMulticaster
        implements ApplicationEventMulticaster, BeanClassLoaderAware, BeanFactoryAware {

    private final ListenerRetriever defaultRetriever = new ListenerRetriever(false);

    final Map<ListenerCacheKey, ListenerRetriever> retrieverCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64);

    private ClassLoader beanClassLoader;

    private BeanFactory beanFactory;

    private Object retrievalMutex = this.defaultRetriever;

    public void setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
        this.beanClassLoader = classLoader;

    public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) {
        this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
        if (beanFactory instanceof ConfigurableBeanFactory) {
            ConfigurableBeanFactory cbf = (ConfigurableBeanFactory) beanFactory;
            if (this.beanClassLoader == null) {
                this.beanClassLoader = cbf.getBeanClassLoader();
            this.retrievalMutex = cbf.getSingletonMutex();

    private BeanFactory getBeanFactory() {
        if (this.beanFactory == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("ApplicationEventMulticaster cannot retrieve listener beans " +
                    "because it is not associated with a BeanFactory");
        return this.beanFactory;

        // 该方法为添加监听者。
    public void addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener<?> listener) {
        synchronized (this.retrievalMutex) {
            // 判断该类是不是已经通过AOP被代理类封装过了,如果是的话,返回原始的类对象。
            // Explicitly remove target for a proxy, if registered already,
            // in order to avoid double invocations of the same listener.
            Object singletonTarget = AopProxyUtils.getSingletonTarget(listener);
            if (singletonTarget instanceof ApplicationListener) {

    public void addApplicationListenerBean(String listenerBeanName) {
        synchronized (this.retrievalMutex) {

    public void removeApplicationListener(ApplicationListener<?> listener) {
        synchronized (this.retrievalMutex) {

    public void removeApplicationListenerBean(String listenerBeanName) {
        synchronized (this.retrievalMutex) {

    public void removeAllListeners() {
        synchronized (this.retrievalMutex) {

     * Return a Collection containing all ApplicationListeners.
     * @return a Collection of ApplicationListeners
     * @see org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener
    protected Collection<ApplicationListener<?>> getApplicationListeners() {
        synchronized (this.retrievalMutex) {
            return this.defaultRetriever.getApplicationListeners();

     * Return a Collection of ApplicationListeners matching the given
     * event type. Non-matching listeners get excluded early.
     * @param event the event to be propagated. Allows for excluding
     * non-matching listeners early, based on cached matching information.
     * @param eventType the event type
     * @return a Collection of ApplicationListeners
     * @see org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener
    protected Collection<ApplicationListener<?>> getApplicationListeners(
            ApplicationEvent event, ResolvableType eventType) {

        Object source = event.getSource();
        Class<?> sourceType = (source != null ? source.getClass() : null);
        ListenerCacheKey cacheKey = new ListenerCacheKey(eventType, sourceType);

        // Quick check for existing entry on ConcurrentHashMap...
        ListenerRetriever retriever = this.retrieverCache.get(cacheKey);
        if (retriever != null) {
            return retriever.getApplicationListeners();

        if (this.beanClassLoader == null ||
                (ClassUtils.isCacheSafe(event.getClass(), this.beanClassLoader) &&
                        (sourceType == null || ClassUtils.isCacheSafe(sourceType, this.beanClassLoader)))) {
            // Fully synchronized building and caching of a ListenerRetriever
            synchronized (this.retrievalMutex) {
                retriever = this.retrieverCache.get(cacheKey);
                if (retriever != null) {
                    return retriever.getApplicationListeners();
                retriever = new ListenerRetriever(true);
                Collection<ApplicationListener<?>> listeners =
                        retrieveApplicationListeners(eventType, sourceType, retriever);
                this.retrieverCache.put(cacheKey, retriever);
                return listeners;
        else {
            // No ListenerRetriever caching -> no synchronization necessary
            return retrieveApplicationListeners(eventType, sourceType, null);

     * Actually retrieve the application listeners for the given event and source type.
     * @param eventType the event type
     * @param sourceType the event source type
     * @param retriever the ListenerRetriever, if supposed to populate one (for caching purposes)
     * @return the pre-filtered list of application listeners for the given event and source type
    private Collection<ApplicationListener<?>> retrieveApplicationListeners(
            ResolvableType eventType, @Nullable Class<?> sourceType, @Nullable ListenerRetriever retriever) {

        List<ApplicationListener<?>> allListeners = new ArrayList<>();
        Set<ApplicationListener<?>> listeners;
        Set<String> listenerBeans;
        synchronized (this.retrievalMutex) {
            listeners = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.defaultRetriever.applicationListeners);
            listenerBeans = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.defaultRetriever.applicationListenerBeans);
        for (ApplicationListener<?> listener : listeners) {
            if (supportsEvent(listener, eventType, sourceType)) {
                if (retriever != null) {
        if (!listenerBeans.isEmpty()) {
            BeanFactory beanFactory = getBeanFactory();
            for (String listenerBeanName : listenerBeans) {
                try {
                    Class<?> listenerType = beanFactory.getType(listenerBeanName);
                    if (listenerType == null || supportsEvent(listenerType, eventType)) {
                        ApplicationListener<?> listener =
                                beanFactory.getBean(listenerBeanName, ApplicationListener.class);
                        if (!allListeners.contains(listener) && supportsEvent(listener, eventType, sourceType)) {
                            if (retriever != null) {
                catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
                    // Singleton listener instance (without backing bean definition) disappeared -
                    // probably in the middle of the destruction phase
        return allListeners;

     * Filter a listener early through checking its generically declared event
     * type before trying to instantiate it.
     * <p>If this method returns {@code true} for a given listener as a first pass,
     * the listener instance will get retrieved and fully evaluated through a
     * {@link #supportsEvent(ApplicationListener,ResolvableType, Class)}  call afterwards.
     * @param listenerType the listener's type as determined by the BeanFactory
     * @param eventType the event type to check
     * @return whether the given listener should be included in the candidates
     * for the given event type
    protected boolean supportsEvent(Class<?> listenerType, ResolvableType eventType) {
        if (GenericApplicationListener.class.isAssignableFrom(listenerType) ||
                SmartApplicationListener.class.isAssignableFrom(listenerType)) {
            return true;
        ResolvableType declaredEventType = GenericApplicationListenerAdapter.resolveDeclaredEventType(listenerType);
        return (declaredEventType == null || declaredEventType.isAssignableFrom(eventType));

     * Determine whether the given listener supports the given event.
     * <p>The default implementation detects the {@link SmartApplicationListener}
     * and {@link GenericApplicationListener} interfaces. In case of a standard
     * {@link ApplicationListener}, a {@link GenericApplicationListenerAdapter}
     * will be used to introspect the generically declared type of the target listener.
     * @param listener the target listener to check
     * @param eventType the event type to check against
     * @param sourceType the source type to check against
     * @return whether the given listener should be included in the candidates
     * for the given event type
    protected boolean supportsEvent(
            ApplicationListener<?> listener, ResolvableType eventType, @Nullable Class<?> sourceType) {

        GenericApplicationListener smartListener = (listener instanceof GenericApplicationListener ?
                (GenericApplicationListener) listener : new GenericApplicationListenerAdapter(listener));
        return (smartListener.supportsEventType(eventType) && smartListener.supportsSourceType(sourceType));

     * Cache key for ListenerRetrievers, based on event type and source type.
    private static final class ListenerCacheKey implements Comparable<ListenerCacheKey> {

        private final ResolvableType eventType;

        private final Class<?> sourceType;

        public ListenerCacheKey(ResolvableType eventType, @Nullable Class<?> sourceType) {
            Assert.notNull(eventType, "Event type must not be null");
            this.eventType = eventType;
            this.sourceType = sourceType;

        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            if (this == other) {
                return true;
            ListenerCacheKey otherKey = (ListenerCacheKey) other;
            return (this.eventType.equals(otherKey.eventType) &&
                    ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(this.sourceType, otherKey.sourceType));

        public int hashCode() {
            return this.eventType.hashCode() * 29 + ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.sourceType);

        public String toString() {
            return "ListenerCacheKey [eventType = " + this.eventType + ", sourceType = " + this.sourceType + "]";

        public int compareTo(ListenerCacheKey other) {
            int result = this.eventType.toString().compareTo(other.eventType.toString());
            if (result == 0) {
                if (this.sourceType == null) {
                    return (other.sourceType == null ? 0 : -1);
                if (other.sourceType == null) {
                    return 1;
                result = this.sourceType.getName().compareTo(other.sourceType.getName());
            return result;

     * Helper class that encapsulates a specific set of target listeners,
     * allowing for efficient retrieval of pre-filtered listeners.
     * <p>An instance of this helper gets cached per event type and source type.
    private class ListenerRetriever {

        public final Set<ApplicationListener<?>> applicationListeners;

        public final Set<String> applicationListenerBeans;

        private final boolean preFiltered;

        public ListenerRetriever(boolean preFiltered) {
            this.applicationListeners = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            this.applicationListenerBeans = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            this.preFiltered = preFiltered;

        public Collection<ApplicationListener<?>> getApplicationListeners() {
            List<ApplicationListener<?>> allListeners = new ArrayList<>(
                    this.applicationListeners.size() + this.applicationListenerBeans.size());
            if (!this.applicationListenerBeans.isEmpty()) {
                BeanFactory beanFactory = getBeanFactory();
                for (String listenerBeanName : this.applicationListenerBeans) {
                    try {
                        ApplicationListener<?> listener = beanFactory.getBean(listenerBeanName, ApplicationListener.class);
                        if (this.preFiltered || !allListeners.contains(listener)) {
                    catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
                        // Singleton listener instance (without backing bean definition) disappeared -
                        // probably in the middle of the destruction phase
            return allListeners;



public class SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster extends AbstractApplicationEventMulticaster {

    private Executor taskExecutor;

    private ErrorHandler errorHandler;

     * Create a new SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.
    public SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster() {

     * Create a new SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster for the given BeanFactory.
    public SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster(BeanFactory beanFactory) {

     * Set a custom executor (typically a {@link org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor})
     * to invoke each listener with.
     * <p>Default is equivalent to {@link org.springframework.core.task.SyncTaskExecutor},
     * executing all listeners synchronously in the calling thread.
     * <p>Consider specifying an asynchronous task executor here to not block the
     * caller until all listeners have been executed. However, note that asynchronous
     * execution will not participate in the caller's thread context (class loader,
     * transaction association) unless the TaskExecutor explicitly supports this.
     * @see org.springframework.core.task.SyncTaskExecutor
     * @see org.springframework.core.task.SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor
    public void setTaskExecutor(@Nullable Executor taskExecutor) {
        this.taskExecutor = taskExecutor;

     * Return the current task executor for this multicaster.
    protected Executor getTaskExecutor() {
        return this.taskExecutor;

     * Set the {@link ErrorHandler} to invoke in case an exception is thrown
     * from a listener.
     * <p>Default is none, with a listener exception stopping the current
     * multicast and getting propagated to the publisher of the current event.
     * If a {@linkplain #setTaskExecutor task executor} is specified, each
     * individual listener exception will get propagated to the executor but
     * won't necessarily stop execution of other listeners.
     * <p>Consider setting an {@link ErrorHandler} implementation that catches
     * and logs exceptions (a la
     * {@link org.springframework.scheduling.support.TaskUtils#LOG_AND_SUPPRESS_ERROR_HANDLER})
     * or an implementation that logs exceptions while nevertheless propagating them
     * (e.g. {@link org.springframework.scheduling.support.TaskUtils#LOG_AND_PROPAGATE_ERROR_HANDLER}).
     * @since 4.1
    public void setErrorHandler(@Nullable ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
        this.errorHandler = errorHandler;

     * Return the current error handler for this multicaster.
     * @since 4.1
    protected ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() {
        return this.errorHandler;

    public void multicastEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
        multicastEvent(event, resolveDefaultEventType(event));

    public void multicastEvent(final ApplicationEvent event, @Nullable ResolvableType eventType) {
        ResolvableType type = (eventType != null ? eventType : resolveDefaultEventType(event));
        for (final ApplicationListener<?> listener : getApplicationListeners(event, type)) {
            Executor executor = getTaskExecutor();
            if (executor != null) {
                executor.execute(() -> invokeListener(listener, event));
            else {
                invokeListener(listener, event);

    private ResolvableType resolveDefaultEventType(ApplicationEvent event) {
        return ResolvableType.forInstance(event);

     * Invoke the given listener with the given event.
     * @param listener the ApplicationListener to invoke
     * @param event the current event to propagate
     * @since 4.1
    protected void invokeListener(ApplicationListener<?> listener, ApplicationEvent event) {
        ErrorHandler errorHandler = getErrorHandler();
        if (errorHandler != null) {
            try {
                doInvokeListener(listener, event);
            catch (Throwable err) {
        else {
            doInvokeListener(listener, event);

    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
    private void doInvokeListener(ApplicationListener listener, ApplicationEvent event) {
        try {
        catch (ClassCastException ex) {
            String msg = ex.getMessage();
            if (msg == null || matchesClassCastMessage(msg, event.getClass().getName())) {
                // Possibly a lambda-defined listener which we could not resolve the generic event type for
                // -> let's suppress the exception and just log a debug message.
                Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Non-matching event type for listener: " + listener, ex);
            else {
                throw ex;

    private boolean matchesClassCastMessage(String classCastMessage, String eventClassName) {
        // On Java 8, the message simply starts with the class name: "java.lang.String cannot be cast..."
        if (classCastMessage.startsWith(eventClassName)) {
            return true;
        // On Java 9, the message contains the module name: "java.base/java.lang.String cannot be cast..."
        int moduleSeparatorIndex = classCastMessage.indexOf('/');
        if (moduleSeparatorIndex != -1 && classCastMessage.startsWith(eventClassName, moduleSeparatorIndex + 1)) {
            return true;
        // Assuming an unrelated class cast failure...
        return false;




