SQL 高级查询

SQL 高级查询

作者: 任人渐疏_Must | 来源:发表于2021-09-27 20:28 被阅读0次
    create database Lession3
    use Lession3
    create table StuInfo(
    StuID int identity primary key not null,
    StuName varchar(10) not null,
    StuSex char(2) not null,
    ClassID int not null
    use Lession3
    insert into StuInfo(StuName,StuSex,ClassID) values('李四','男',1),('钱七','女',2),('王五','男',1),('张三','女',1),('赵六','女',2)
    use Lession3
    create table StuMarks(
    ExamNO int identity primary key not null,
    StuID int  not null,
    Subject varchar(10) not null,
    Score int not null
    use Lession3
    insert into StuMarks(StuID,Subject,Score) values(1,'HTML',85),(1,'Java',80),(1,'SQL',82),(2,'HTML',70),(2,'Java',81),(2,'SQL',60),(3,'HTML',70),(3,'Java',90),(3,'SQL',85),(4,'Java',61),(4,'SQL',68),(5,'HTML',90),(5,'Java',81),(5,'SQL',65)
    select StuName,Subject,Score from StuInfo s1,StuMarks s2 where s1.StuID = s2.StuID 
    and s1.StuName='李四' and s2.Score > 80
    select StuName,Subject,Score from StuInfo s1,(select * from StuMarks where Score>80) s2
    where s1.StuID=s2.StuID and s1.StuName='李四'
    select * from StuInfo where StuID < (select StuID from StuInfo where StuName='王五')
    select s1.*,s2.Score from StuInfo s1 left outer join (select * from StuMarks where Subject='HTML') S2 on s1.StuID = s2.StuID
    select s1.*,(select Score from StuMarks s2 where s1.StuID=s2.StuID and Subject='HTML') Score from StuInfo s1
    select * from StuInfo where StuID in(1,3)
    select StuName from StuInfo where StuID in (select StuID from StuMarks where Score>85 and Subject='Java')
    select * from StuInfo where EXISTS (select * from Stumarks where StuMarks.StuID = StuInfo.StuID)
    select * from StuInfo where NOT EXISTS (select * from Stumarks where StuMarks.StuID = StuInfo.StuID)
    --ANY,SOME 父查询中的结果集大于子查询中任意一个结果集中的值,则为真
    select * from StuInfo where StuID > SOME (select StuID from Stumarks where Score>80 and Subject='SQL')
    select * from StuInfo where StuID > ANY (select StuID from Stumarks where Score>80 and Subject='SQL')
    --ALL 父查询中的结果集大于子查询中每一个结果集中的值,则为真
    select * from StuInfo where StuID > ALL (select StuID from Stumarks where Score>80 and Subject='SQL')
    --row_number() (没有并列编号,不跳空编号)
    select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by Score DESC) AS 排名,s1.StuName,s2.Score from StuInfo s1,StuMarks s2
    where s1.StuID = s2.StuID and s2.Subject='Java'
    select rank() OVER(order by Score DESC) AS 排名,s1.StuName,s2.Score from StuInfo s1,StuMarks s2
    where s1.StuID = s2.StuID and s2.Subject='Java'
    select dense_rank() OVER(order by Score DESC) AS 排名,s1.StuName,s2.Score from StuInfo s1,StuMarks s2
    where s1.StuID = s2.StuID and s2.Subject='Java'
    WITH StuInfo_Mark(StuID,StuName,Subject,Score)
        select s1.StuID,s1.StuName,s2.Subject,s2.Score from StuInfo s1,StuMarks s2 where s1.StuID=s2.StuID
    select * from StuInfo_Mark



          本文标题:SQL 高级查询
