

作者: 戴茜的雏菊 | 来源:发表于2018-06-05 11:42 被阅读0次




    最近听到了一个很有意思的TED TALK,来来回回把这段音频听了十几遍。如果你也是一个美剧迷,那你绝对不能错过这个分享。《实习医生格蕾》编剧/制作人Shonda Rhimes分享她对生活中出现的每一件事情说Yes(My year of saying yes to everything)的经历的获得(这段演讲可以帮助我们找到工作的激情,也可以帮助我们寻找到爱,平衡生活。)。开始听是被她的声音所吸引,很有精神且又自信,后来谷歌了她的经历,应该是一位African-American,虽然她没有惊艳的外表,甚至都不能用漂亮来形容,但我却还是很喜欢她散发出来的坚强、努力、对工作充满了激情与热爱的特质。

    人生公平吗?人生本来就不公平。不仅仅是因为有的人出生的家庭好,而且是出生的家庭好,而且还很勤奋,Shonda Rhimes一周工作70多个小时还能沉浸在自己工作中,从工作中获得成就感、荣誉感最终而获得成功,像我们这样普通的人,可能终其一生都不能实现。(但是不代表我们不能改变自己,今天可以比昨天做的更好。)


    很多人羡慕Shonda Rhimes有一份dream job,What’s dream job?可能因为我是90后,遇到的很多90后都会从开始追求努力挣钱走到一个想做自己喜欢的事情的平衡。即以赚钱为目的工作可能对我们的吸引力不是那么大了,还取决于我们是不是喜欢这份工作,是不是对这份工作感兴趣。但是Shonda Rhimes给我提供了一个很新的视角,让我从新看待这份“我们喜欢的工作”。

    Shonda Rhimes的dream job是每集美剧3-600万美元制作成本,同时要编剧/制作3,4部美剧,有的时候同时要写16集美剧的剧本。写24集《实习医生格蕾》、21集《丑闻》,15集《逍遥法外》、10集《隐情》。全世界范围,honda Rhimes制作的美剧在256个地区播放,被翻译成67种语言,收看的观众有三千多万。

    为什么要讲这些呢?我最喜欢Shonda Rhimes讲到她对dream job的理解,“当提到「作家」的时候,她不仅仅是坐在电脑前想象,我理解中的dream job不仅仅是想象,它是工作,就是工作、现实、血腥、流汗、没有眼泪。我是个工作狂,很努力的工作,我就是爱工作。”

    Now, I don't tell you this to impress you. I tell you this because I know what you think of when you hear the word "writer." I tell you this so that all of you out there who work so hard, whether you run a company or a country or a classroom or a store or a home, take me seriously when I talk about working, so you'll get that I don't peck at a computer and imagine all day, so you'll hear me when I say that I understand that a dream job is not about dreaming. It's all job, all work, all reality, all blood, all sweat, no tears. I work a lot, very hard, and I love it.


    “When I'm hard at work, when I'm deep in it, there is no other feeling. For me, my work is at all times building a nation out of thin air. It is manning the troops. It is painting a canvas. It is hitting every high note. It is running a marathon. It is being Beyoncé. And it is all of those things at the same time. I love working. It is creative and mechanical and exhausting and exhilarating and hilarious and disturbing and clinical and maternal and cruel and judicious, and what makes it all so good is the hum.”

    “And a lot of people, when I try to explain the hum, they assume that I'm talking about the writing, that my writing brings me joy. And don't get me wrong, it does. But the hum -- it wasn't until I started making television that I started working, working and making and building and creating and collaborating, that I discovered this thing, this buzz, this rush, this hum. The hum is more than writing. The hum is action and activity. The hum is a drug. The hum is music. The hum is light and air. The hum is God's whisper right in my ear. And when you have a hum like that, you can't help but strive for greatness. That feeling, you can't help but strive for greatness at any cost.”

    最近很巧,在联合办公室遇到一个男生,我们聊了很多,也向他学习到了很多。关于工作的漏斗分析方法,用销售的方法去分析自己的工作。 如果自己要达到一个目标,从这个目标倒推到眼下需要做的事情。 (他举了一个例子,作为销售如果需要能见到到5个客户,可能就需要有20个有效电话,客户同意见你,但是偶尔也会出现临时改变主意的。如果需要20个有效电话,可能就需要打100个电话。那眼下该做的事情就是打100个电话。)



    就是像Shonda Rhimes这样的女性,也有需要平衡生活的时候。她的“Hum”有一天停止了,工作不能再带给她之前的那种成就感、享受感了。工作、成功、赚钱是会让我们开心,给我们带来满足,但工作并不是生活的全部。“Say Yes ”陪她的孩子玩,改变了她和孩子的关系,帮助她重新找到了工作中的“hum”。

    “The hum is not power and the hum is not work-specific. The hum is joy-specific. The real hum is love-specific. The hum is the electricity that comes from being excited by life.”

    “I said yes to less work and more play, and somehow I still run my world. My brain is still global. My campfires still burn. The more I play, the happier I am, and the happier my kids are. The more I play, the more I feel like a good mother. The more I play, the freer my mind becomes. The more I play, the better I work. The more I play, the more I feel the hum, the nation I'm building, the marathon I'm running, the troops, the canvas, the high note, the hum, the hum, the other hum, the real hum, life's hum. The more I feel that hum, the more this strange, quivering, uncocooned, awkward, brand new, alive non-titan feels like me. The more I feel that hum, the more I know who I am. I'm a writer, I make stuff up, I imagine. That part of the job, that's living the dream. That's the dream of the job. Because a dream job should be a little bit dreamy.”



    原来生活好简单,在需要努力的地方努力,发挥自己的最大价值。在生活中拥抱我们爱的人和事,享受当下的每一刻。努力工作的时候好好努力工作,该放松的时候好好放松。如果不能很好的平衡的话,问问自己是不是哪里出了问题,哪里还可以做的更好。先从简单的Say yes to everything 开始。



