$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 4.19.0-6-amd64 (debian-kernel@lists.debian.org) (gcc version 8.3.0 (Debian 8.3.0-6)) #1 SMP Debian 4.19.67-2 (2019-08-28)
1. 能做什么
- 可以基于用户修改全局python的版本。
- 支持每个项目对应不同的python版本。
2. 简单说明
- 可以通过设置PATH来改变当前shell session的python版本:pyenv shell.
- 可以通过配置项目所在目录的.python-version文件来指定项目使用的python版本。你也可以使用pyenv local命令来修改这个文件指定的python版本。这个文件会首先在当前目录查找,如果没有找到,会继续往上层目录递归寻找。
- 可以修改$(pyenv root)/version来指定系统默认的python版本,可以通过pyenv global修改。
3. 安装 pyenv
curl https://pyenv.run | bash
# 按照提示,将下面三行添加到~/.bashrc文件中
# Load pyenv automatically by adding
# the following to ~/.bashrc:
export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="/home/kyan/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
# 重启shell环境
exec $SHELL
# 更新
pyenv update
# 卸载,还需要删除添加到bashrc文件中的那几行
rm -fr ~/.pyenv
4. 安装和删除指定的python版本
# 安装
# 在安装python之前,最好安装下面的包,不然会有 "Missing ctypes" 错误
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
pyenv install 3.8.0
# 删除
pyenv uninstall 3.8.0
# 详细命令参数,可以参考help
kyan@kyanvultrtokyo0:~$ pyenv
pyenv 1.2.15
Usage: pyenv <command> [<args>]
Some useful pyenv commands are:
commands List all available pyenv commands
--version Display the version of pyenv
activate Activate virtual environment
commands List all available pyenv commands
deactivate Deactivate virtual environment
doctor Verify pyenv installation and development tools to build pythons.
exec Run an executable with the selected Python version
global Set or show the global Python version
help Display help for a command
hooks List hook scripts for a given pyenv command
init Configure the shell environment for pyenv
install Install a Python version using python-build
local Set or show the local application-specific Python version
prefix Display prefix for a Python version
rehash Rehash pyenv shims (run this after installing executables)
root Display the root directory where versions and shims are kept
shell Set or show the shell-specific Python version
shims List existing pyenv shims
uninstall Uninstall a specific Python version
version Show the current Python version and its origin
version-file Detect the file that sets the current pyenv version
version-name Show the current Python version
version-origin Explain how the current Python version is set
versions List all Python versions available to pyenv
virtualenv Create a Python virtualenv using the pyenv-virtualenv plugin
virtualenv-delete Uninstall a specific Python virtualenv
virtualenv-init Configure the shell environment for pyenv-virtualenv
virtualenv-prefix Display real_prefix for a Python virtualenv version
virtualenvs List all Python virtualenvs found in `$PYENV_ROOT/versions/*'.
whence List all Python versions that contain the given executable
which Display the full path to an executable
1. 简介
2. 安装
# 更新一下pip,并且安装下pipenv
/home/kyan/.pyenv/shims/pip install --upgrade pip
/home/kyan/.pyenv/shims/pip install pipenv
3. 使用
mkdir pipenv_test
cd pipenv_test
# 项目使用python 3.8.0
pyenv shell 3.8.0
pipenv install --python=`pyenv which python`
# Creating a virtualenv for this project...
pipenv install
# 安装需要的软件包
pipenv install requests
# 卸载
pipenv uninstall requests
# 检查包
pipenv check
# 全部卸载
pipenv uninstall --all
# 展示所有依赖图
pipenv graph
# 使用当前环境执行命令
pipenv run python --version
# 进入shell环境
pipenv shell