From: Dr AB Brown
Editor, Journal of
Dear Dr Zhu,
I enclose the referees, reports on your paper entitled .. The referees agree that the paper contains much good material. However, they have recommended that it needs considerable revision before it can be published. In particular, I draw to your attention the following comments by the referees.
Referee 1:
ᴥThe methods section does not give sufficient information, particularly about the sampling methods used.
ᴥThe results in Tables 1 and 2 are closely related and can be combined into a single table.
ᴥThe conclusion that there is a strong positive correlation between the number of organisms and soil salinity needs a stronger statistical basis.
ᴥThe results in Figure 3 are very preliminary- this really requires another survey. If this is not possible, the Figure should be deleted
Referee 2
ᴥThere are inadequacies in the Methods section, as indicated on the type.
ᴥThe disscussion is not well focused and does not include some important relevant publications, e.g. Jones et al.(2000) .in the journal of…
ᴥThe conclusion is interesting but can be greatly strengthened. In particular, the findings are different from those of Walter et al.(1997) in the Journal of..., a study done in the USA. The work in your paper is in fact the first study of its kind outside Europe and North America and this should be highlighted.
There are other comments in the enclosed reports, and some corrections have been made to the English on the types. If you can revise the paper along the lines suggested and resubmit by then I will consider its acceptability for publication in the Journal without further reference to referees. However, additional refereeing may be necessary.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
AB Brown
