pySpark API实操(3)

pySpark API实操(3)

作者: mpro | 来源:发表于2018-06-20 10:37 被阅读0次

#if run in windows use this

import findspark


# import

from pyspark import SparkContext

from pyspark.sql import SQLContext

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

import IPython

# #version

# print("pyspark version:" + str(sc.version))

# print("Ipython version:" + str(IPython.__version__))

# #agg 聚合

# sc = SparkContext('local')

# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.agg({"amt": "avg"})

# x.show()

# y.show()

# # alias 返回这个列的新的别名或别名们

# from pyspark.sql.functions import col

# sc = SparkContext('local')

# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.alias('transactions')

# x.show()

# y.show()

# y.select(col("transactions.to")).show()

# # cache

# sc = SparkContext('local')

# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# x.cache()

# print(x.count())  # first action materializes x in memory

# print(x.count())  # later actions avoid IO overhead

# # coalesce 重分区函数

# sc = SparkContext('local')

# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# x_rdd = sc.parallelize(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], 2)

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(x_rdd, ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.coalesce(numPartitions=1)

# print(x.rdd.getNumPartitions())

# print(y.rdd.getNumPartitions())

# # collect

# sc = SparkContext('local')

# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.collect()  # creates list of rows on driver

# x.show()

# print(y)

# # columns

# sc = SparkContext('local')

# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.columns  # creates list of column names on driver

# x.show()

# print(y)

# # # corr

# sc = SparkContext('local')

# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("Alice", "Bob", 0.1, 0.001), (

#    "Bob", "Carol", 0.2, 0.02), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3, 0.02)], ['from', 'to', 'amt', 'fee'])

# y = x.corr(col1="amt", col2="fee")

# x.show()

# print(y)

# # count

# sc = SparkContext('local')

# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# x.show()

# print(x.count())

# # cov

# sc = SparkContext('local')

# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("Alice", "Bob", 0.1, 0.001), (

#    "Bob", "Carol", 0.2, 0.02), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3, 0.02)], ['from', 'to', 'amt', 'fee'])

# y = x.cov(col1="amt", col2="fee")

# x.show()

# print(y)

sc = SparkContext('local')

sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# # crosstab

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.crosstab(col1='from', col2='to')

# x.show()

# y.show()

# # cube

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Alice", "Carol", 0.2)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.cube('from', 'to')

# x.show()

# print(y)  # y is a grouped data object, aggregations will be applied to all numerical columns

# y.sum().show()

# y.max().show()

# # describe



# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# x.show()

# x.describe().show()

# # distinct 返回行去重的新的DataFrame。

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), (

#    "Carol", "Dave", 0.3), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.distinct()

# x.show()

# y.show()

# # drop

# '''

# 返回删除指定列的新的DataFrame。

# 参数:●  col – 要删除列的字符串类型名称,或者要删除的列。

# '''

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.drop('amt')

# x.show()

# y.show()

# # dropDuplicates / drop_duplicates

# '''

# 返回去掉重复行的一个新的DataFrame,通常只考虑某几列。

# drop_duplicates()和dropDuplicates()类似。

# '''

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("Alice", "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), (

#    "Bob", "Carol", 0.3), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.dropDuplicates(subset=['from', 'to'])

# x.show()

# y.show()

# # dropna

# '''

# 返回一个删除null值行的新的DataFrame。dropna()和dataframenafunctions.drop()类似。

# 参数:●  how – 'any'或者'all'。如果'any',删除包含任何空值的行。如果'all',删除所有值为null的行。

#    ●  thresh – int,默认为None,如果指定这个值,删除小于阈值的非空值的行。这个会重写'how'参数。

#    ●  subset – 选择的列名称列表。

# '''

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(None, "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", None), (

#    "Carol", None, 0.3), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.dropna(how='any', subset=['from', 'to'])

# x.show()

# y.show()

# # dtypes

# '''

# 返回所有列名及类型的列表。

# '''

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [('Alice', "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.dtypes

# x.show()

# print(y)

# # explain

# '''

# 将(逻辑和物理)计划打印到控制台以进行调试。

# 参数:●  extended – boolean类型,默认为False。如果为False,只打印物理计划。

# '''

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [('Alice', "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# x.show()

# x.agg({"amt": "avg"}).explain(extended=True)

# # fillna

# '''

# 替换空值,和na.fill()类似,DataFrame.fillna()和dataframenafunctions.fill()类似。

# 参数:●  value - 要代替空值的值有int,long,float,string或dict.如果值是字典,subset参数将被忽略。值必须是要替换的列的映射,替换值必须是int,long,float或者string.

#      ●  subset - 要替换的列名列表。在subset指定的列,没有对应数据类型的会被忽略。例如,如果值是字符串,subset包含一个非字符串的列,这个非字符串的值会被忽略。

# '''

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [(None, "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", None), ("Carol", None, 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.fillna(value='unknown', subset=['from', 'to'])

# x.show()

# y.show()

# # filter

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [('Alice', "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.filter("amt > 0.1")

# x.show()

# y.show()

# # first

# x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

#    [('Alice', "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

# y = x.first()

# x.show()

# print(y)

# flatMap





x = sqlContext.createDataFrame(

    [('Alice', "Bob", 0.1), ("Bob", "Carol", 0.2), ("Carol", "Dave", 0.3)], ['from', 'to', 'amt'])

y = x.flatMap(lambda x: (x[0], x[2]))

print(y)  # implicit coversion to RDD




      本文标题:pySpark API实操(3)
