Learn from the Da Vinci Class
- Vast? with literally tends of thousand of tropical isolands, the South Pacific is the playground of water sports, wide sand beaches and incradiblaly divers collection of cultures, languages and local traditions.
- For a long time, the vast
- mysterious (my·story·ous -ous 形容词后缀,表‘...的’)
- n. difficult to understand or explain; strange.
- n. strange and interesting because you do not know much about them.
- n. not saying much about sth, especially when other people want to know more.
- cruelty
-ity(-ty,-ety)只与形容词或形容词词根相缀合,构成名词,表示具有某种特征的状态、性质或事实,意思 = the condition,quality or fact of being~。
除了与单纯的形容词或词根相结合,-ity还常加在某些带形容词后缀的单词上。所以,常常可以看到“形容词后缀+-ity”的复合形式,如-acity,-ality,-anity,-arity,-ability(=-able + -ity),-ibility(=-ible + -ity),-idity,-ility(= -ile + -ity),-ivity(= -ive + -ity),-ocity,-osity(=-ous + -ity)等等。
-ty 是-ity 的特殊形式,它的构词能力要比-ity小得多) - n. a cruel act; a deliberate infliction of pain and suffering.
- n. feelings of extreme heartlessness.
- n. the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance.
-ity(-ty,-ety)只与形容词或形容词词根相缀合,构成名词,表示具有某种特征的状态、性质或事实,意思 = the condition,quality or fact of being~。
- pristine (pure + first-ine -ine 形容词以及名词后缀ine意为"like,relating to quality ,that which")
- adj. fresh and clean, as if new.
- adj. not developed or changed in any way; left in its original condition.
- castaway (cast-away cast 有 throw 的意思)
- n. a person whose ship has sunk (= who has been shipwrecked ) and who has had to swim to a lonely place, usually an island.
- n. a person who is rejected (from society or home).
- a tropical climate; a temperate climate
- desolate (desert + isolate)
- adj. ( of a place ) empty and without people, making you feel sad or frightened.
- adj. very lonely and unhappy.
- harbor (hard + board 不想出海,想留在家,登夹板太难了)
- reef (rock + see + flow)
- n. a long line of rocks or sand near the surface of the sea.
- cramped
- adj. not have enough space or time.
- a cramped schedule; a cramped room
- suitor (suit-or 要和我变“套装”人)
- n. a man who wants to marry a particular woman.
- n. (in business) a company that wants to buy another company.