
1. We, President Xi Jinping of thePeople's Republic of China, President Mauricio Macri of the Republic ofArgentina, President Alexander Lukashenko of the Republic of Belarus, PresidentMichelle Bachelet Jeria of the Republic of Chile, President Milos Zeman of theCzech Republic, President Joko Widodo of the Republic of Indonesia, PresidentNursultan Nazarbayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President Uhuru Kenyatta ofthe Republic of Kenya, President Almazbek Atambayev of the Kyrgyz Republic,President Bounnhang Vorachith of the Lao People's Democratic Republic,President Rodrigo Roa Duterte of the Republic of the Philippines, PresidentVladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, President Doris Leuthard of the SwissConfederation, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Republic of Turkey,President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan, President Tran DaiQuang of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Prime Minister Hun Sen of theKingdom of Cambodia, Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn of the FederalDemocratic Republic of Ethiopia, Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama ofthe Republic of Fiji, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of the Hellenic Republic,Prime Minister Orban Viktor of Hungary, Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni of theItalian Republic, Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia, Prime MinisterJargaltulgyn Erdenebat of Mongolia, State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi of theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar, Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif of theIslamic Republic of Pakistan, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo of the Republic ofPoland, Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic of the Republic ofSerbia, President of the Government Mariano Rajoy Brey of the Kingdom of Spain,and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe of the Democratic Socialist Republic ofSri Lanka, attended the Leaders Roundtable of the Belt and Road Forum forInternational Cooperation on May 15, 2017 in Beijing. We also welcome theparticipation of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres of the United Nations,President Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank Group, Managing Director ChristineLagarde of the International Monetary Fund. The Leaders Roundtable was chairedby President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China.
2. We are mindful that the world economyis undergoing profound changes, presenting both opportunities and challenges.This is an era of opportunity, where countries continue to aspire for peace,development and cooperation. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developmentwith the set of Sustainable Development Goals at its core provides a newblueprint of international cooperation.
3. In this context, we welcomebilateral, triangular, regional and multilateral cooperation where countriesplace emphasis on eradicating poverty, creating jobs, addressing theconsequences of international financial crises, promoting sustainabledevelopment, and advancing market-based industrial transformation and economicdiversification. We note with appreciation that various development strategiesand connectivity cooperation initiatives have been put forward, providing broadspace for strengthening international cooperation.
4. We further recognize the challengesthat the world economy faces. While it is currently experiencing modestrecovery, downside risks remain. The growth of global trade and investmentremains tempered, and the rules-based multilateral trading regime is yet to bestrengthened. All countries, especially developing ones, still face commonchallenges of eradicating poverty, promoting inclusive and sustained economicgrowth, and achieving sustainable development.
5. Noting that the Silk Road EconomicBelt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (The Belt and Road Initiative) cancreate opportunities amid challenges and changes, we welcome and support theBelt and Road Initiative to enhance connectivity between Asia and Europe, whichis also open to other regions such as Africa and South America. By providingimportant opportunities for countries to deepen cooperation, it has achievedpositive outcomes and has future potential to deliver more benefits as animportant international initiative.
6. We also emphasize the opportunitieswhich can be created by communication and coordination among other global,regional and national frameworks and initiatives for promoting cooperation inconnectivity and sustainable development, such as the 2030 Agenda forSustainable Development, Addis Ababa Action Agenda, Agenda 2063 of the AfricanUnion, Ancient Civilizations Forum, APEC Connectivity Blueprint, ASEANCommunity Vision 2025, Asia-Europe Meeting and its group on pathfinder ofconnectivity, Caravanserai Customs Initiative, China and Central and EasternEuropean Countries Cooperation, China-Europe Land-Sea Express Route, East-WestMiddle Corridor Initiative, EU-China Connectivity Platform, EU EasternPartnership, Eurasian partnership based on the principles of equality, opennessand transparency, Initiative for the Integration of Regional Infrastructure inSouth America, Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025, Main Directions forEconomic Development of the Eurasian Economic Union until 2030, Paris Agreementon Climate Change, Trans-European Transport Networks, Western Balkans 6Connectivity Agenda, and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.
7. We reaffirm our shared commitment tobuild an open economy, ensure free and inclusive trade, and oppose all forms ofprotectionism including in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. Weendeavor to promote a universal, rules-based, open, nondiscriminatory and equitablemultilateral trading system with the WTO at its core.
8. We stand for enhancing internationalcooperation including the Belt and Road Initiative and various developmentstrategies, by building closer collaboration partnerships, which includeadvancing North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation.
9. We reiterate the importance ofexpanding economic growth, trade and investment based on a level-playing field,market rules and universally recognized international norms. We welcome thepromotion of industrial cooperation, scientific and technological innovation,and regional economic cooperation and integration so as to increase, interalia, the integration and participation of micro, small and medium enterprisesin global value chains. Attention should be paid to tax and fiscal policies,prioritizing growth and productive investment.
10. We stand for strengthening physical,institutional and people-to-people connectivity among all countries. The leastdeveloped countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developingstates and middle-income countries deserve special attention to removebottlenecks of development and achieve effective connectivity.
11. We endeavor to expandpeople-to-people exchanges, promote peace, justice, social cohesion,inclusiveness, democracy, good governance, the rule of law, human rights,gender equality and women empowerment; work together to fight againstcorruption and bribery in all their forms; to be more responsive to all theneeds of those in vulnerable situations, such as children, persons withdisabilities and older persons; and help improve global economic governance,and ensure equal access by all to development opportunities and benefits.
12. We are determined to protect theplanet from degradation, including through taking urgent action on climatechange and encouraging all parties that have ratified it to fully implement theParis Agreement, managing the natural resources in an equitable and sustainablemanner, conserving and sustainably using oceans and seas, freshwater resources,as well as forests, mountains and drylands, protecting biodiversity, ecosystemsand wildlife, combating desertification and land degradation so as to achievesustainable development in its three dimensions in a balanced and integratedmanner.
13. We encourage the involvement ofgovernments, international and regional organizations, the private sector,civil society and citizens in fostering and promoting friendship, mutualunderstanding and trust.
14. We uphold the spirit of peace,cooperation, openness, transparency, inclusiveness, equality, mutual learning,mutual benefit and mutual respect by strengthening cooperation on the basis ofextensive consultation and the rule of law, joint efforts, shared benefits andequal opportunities for all. In this context we highlight the followingprinciples guiding our cooperation, in accordance with our respective nationallaws and policies:
a) Consultation on an equal footing:Honoring the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international lawincluding respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries;formulating cooperation plans and advancing cooperation projects throughconsultation.
b) Mutual benefit: Seeking convergenceof interests and the broadest common ground for cooperation, taking intoaccount the perspectives of different stakeholders.
c) Harmony and inclusiveness:Acknowledging the natural and cultural diversity of the world and recognizingthat all cultures and civilizations can contribute to sustainable development.
d) Market-based operation: Recognizingthe role of the market and that of business as key players, while ensuring thatthe government performs its proper role and highlighting the importance ofopen, transparent and nondiscriminatory procurement procedures.
e) Balance and sustainability:Emphasizing the importance of economic, social, fiscal, financial andenvironmental sustainability of projects, and of promoting high environmentalstandards, while striking a good balance among economic growth, social progressand environmental protection.
15. We affirm the need to prioritizepolicy consultation, trade promotion, infrastructure connectivity, financialcooperation and people-to-people exchanges, and we highlight concrete actions,in accordance with our national laws and regulations and internationalobligations where applicable, such as:
a) Pursuing dialogue and consultation inorder to build synergies in development strategies among participatingcountries, noting the efforts to strengthen cooperation in coordinatingdevelopment of the Belt and Road Initiative with other plans and initiatives asmentioned in Paragraph 6 and to promote partnerships among Europe, Asia, SouthAmerica, Africa and other regions.
b) Conducting in-depth consultation onmacroeconomic issues by optimizing the existing multilateral and bilateralcooperation and dialogue mechanisms, so as to provide robust policy support forpractical cooperation and the implementation of major projects.
c) Strengthening cooperation oninnovation, by supporting innovation action plans for e-commerce, digitaleconomy, smart cities and science and technology parks, and by encouraginggreater exchanges on innovation and business startup models in the internet agein respect of intellectual property rights.
d) Promoting practical cooperation onroads, railways, ports, maritime and inland water transport, aviation, energypipelines, electricity, fiber optic including transoceanic cable,telecommunications and information and communication technology, and welcomingthe development of interconnected multimodal corridors, such us a new EurasianLand Bridge, Northern Sea Route, the East-West Middle Corridor etc., and majortrunk lines to put in place an international infrastructure network over time.
e) Maximizing synergies ininfrastructure planning and development by taking into account internationalstandards where applicable, and by aiming at harmonizing rules andtechnological standards when necessary; fostering a favorable environment andpredictability for infrastructure investment by private capital; promotingpublic-private partnership in areas that create more jobs and generate greaterefficiency; welcoming international financial institutions to increase supportand investment for infrastructure development.
f) Deepening economic and tradecooperation; upholding the authority and effectiveness of the multilateraltrading system, and working together to achieve positive outcomes at the 11thWTO ministerial conference; promoting trade and investment liberalization andfacilitation; enabling the general public to benefit from trade.
g) Expanding trade by nurturing newareas of trade growth, promoting trade balance and promoting e-commerce and thedigital economy, welcoming the development of free trade areas and the signingof free trade agreements by interested countries.
h) Advancing global value-chaindevelopment and supply-chain connectivity, while ensuring safer work places andstrengthening social protection systems; increasing two-way investment, andenhancing cooperation in emerging industries, trade and industrial parks andcross-border economic zones.
i) Enhancing cooperation in ensuring theprotection of the environment, of biodiversity and of natural resources, in addressingthe adverse impacts of climate change, in promoting resilience anddisaster-risk reduction and management, and in advancing renewable energy andenergy efficiency.
j) Regarding the process of customsclearance, strengthening cooperation on information exchange and on developingmutual recognition of control, mutual assistance of enforcement, and mutualsharing of information; enhancing customs cooperation with a view tofacilitating trade including by harmonizing procedures and reducing costs, andin this regard, strengthening cooperation in protecting intellectual propertyrights.
k) Jointly working on a long-term,stable and sustainable financing system; enhancing financial infrastructureconnectivity, by exploring new models and platforms of investment and financingand improving financial services; assessing the opportunity to better servelocal financial markets; and encouraging development-oriented financialinstitutions to play an active role and strengthen cooperation withmultilateral development institutions.
l) Contributing to a stable andequitable international financial system; promoting openness and connectivityamong financial markets, including through mutual cooperation on payment systemsand the promotion of financial inclusion; encouraging financial institutions toestablish commercial presence in relevant countries and regions; promotingbilateral local currency settlement and cooperation agreements, andfacilitating the development of local currency bonds and stock markets;encouraging dialogue to enhance financial cooperation and fend off financialrisks.
m) Promoting people-to-people exchangesand bonds by deepening practical cooperation on education, science, technology,sport, health, think tanks, media, and capacity-building, including throughinternships.
n) Encouraging dialogue amongcivilizations, cultural exchanges, promoting tourism and protecting the world'scultural and natural heritage.
OurVision for the Future
16. Our joint endeavor on the Belt andRoad Initiative and seeking complementarities with other connectivityinitiatives provide new opportunities and impetus for internationalcooperation. It helps to work for a globalization that is open, inclusive andbeneficial to all.
17. We reiterate that promoting peace,mutually-beneficial cooperation, and honoring the purposes and principles ofthe UN Charter and international law are our shared responsibilities; achievinginclusive and sustainable growth and development, and improving people'squality of life are our common goals; creating a prosperous and peacefulcommunity with shared future for mankind is our common aspiration.
18. We congratulate China on successfullyhosting the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.