Trip to Sri Lanka

Trip to Sri Lanka

作者: 倘若毛坯房__ | 来源:发表于2017-04-25 09:57 被阅读0次

    1. We went to national museum, mask museum, Netherlandsmuseum, and marine museum in Galle. From the national museum we get an overallview about history of Sri Lanka, items from hundreds or even thousands yearsago. From the museum, what impressed me is that the culture of Buddhism, Ilearned a lot connected to it. Mask museum has a workshop where we canexperience directly about the process of making masks, this is quite differentfrom other museums. Marine museum shows the history of Sri Lanka from another aspects,mainly connected with marine area. The discovery of one of the ancient ship andthe story about the ship is interesting.

    One of the impression I have about Sri Lanka is crowded busand busy traffic. Public transportation is quite different from China. Manyimprovement can be made about this system, such as automatically sellingtickets with transportation cards, driving without stopping long time at mainstation, having announcement of stations. And another interesting point is thebackground music every bus has, we do not have this in China, sometimes themusic is nice. The busy traffic, from my point of view, is partly due to thenarrow road and so many tuk-tuk. Many main road in Colombo is still single way,which I believe need to be re-constructed with rapidly developing city size.

    We have different life-style also. In China we eat regularlyat 8:00, 12:30, 18:30 for breakfast, lunch and dinner respectively, while inLanka, time for eating is flexible and dinner is around 20:00 or even later.

    People are nice and hospitable in Sri Lanka. People arewilling to help even on the street. All the family members of our EP buddy andTeam leader are so nice, they help us a lot during the whole trip.

    2. Kandy trip

    It’s our first 3-day trip and it’s a nice one. We went tothe temple of tooth which is a wonderful place, we walked alongside the Kandylake, we visited tea factory and cloth factory both of them are with local iconand are different from what we have in China.

    The resort we stayed is fantastic with swimming pool,delicious food and welcoming staff. Every morning we have a cup of tea, whichis one of the best I had in Sri Lanka.

    3. Galle Trip

    I like this trip since I like seaside. We spend oneafternoon at seaside and one morning for surfing. I like the sunshine, thewind, the coconut and all the people accompany me. I still can recall thefeeling when I sit on the beach chair, relaxing myself, enjoying the sunshineand hearing the sound of waves.

    Surfing is more interesting than I expect, and I love it!

    4. Adam’s peak

    Life-time experience. And I’m glad I make it all the way allmyself. If it’s sunny day the trip will be better. And the night we spent onthe top inside the so-called camping site is both good and terrible. It’s goodbecause I spent the night with all my friends talking a lot and taking care ofeach other, it’s terrible because it’s freezing making me ill.

    I like the culture attached to the mountain, making itspecial and different from mountains in China.

    5. Overall

    Good. I like all the trips and I love all the people in ourproject and in our EP house.

    People are nice and hospitable in Sri Lanka. People arewilling to help even on the street. All the family members of our EP buddy andTeam leader are so nice, they help us a lot during the whole trip.

    We went to national museum, mask museum, Netherlandsmuseum, and marine museum in Galle. From the national museum we get an overallview about history of Sri Lanka, items from hundreds or even thousands yearsago. From the museum, what impressed me is that the culture of Buddhism, Ilearned a lot connected to it. Mask museum has a workshop where we canexperience directly about the process of making masks, this is quite differentfrom other museums.

    I enjoy the whole trip and it give me a chance to communicate with a lot of people from different places and especially give a deep understanding of Sri Lanka which I can't make without this specific wonderful AIESEC opportunity.

    6. Sri Lanka is a developing country and a lot of publicfacilities need improvement. But, it’s a great country, I’m glad I made mydecision to spend my vacation here!

    *photo credits to Lynn Wu Selina Shiao & Cemun



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