每日一词 hesitant

每日一词 hesitant

作者: zhangqinsisu | 来源:发表于2019-01-09 14:38 被阅读0次

1. 这是个什么词?


英英释义:uncertain about what to do or say because you are nervous or unwilling

例句:In the past year many were hesitant about whether it was a good time to buy property.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“hesitant”是形容词,来自动词形式 hesitate,意思是“犹豫不决的”,学会 hesitant 可以增强表达的多样性。当我们想表达一个人或一个组织不确定是否应该做某事的时候,除了用 not sure about 外,还可以使用 hesitant。

一般来说,hesitant 的用法有两种:hesitant about (doing) something 和 hesitant to do something。


In the past year many were hesitant about whether it was a good time to buy property.

In 2018 many were hesitant to get into the housing market.


The PR division of the company is hesitant about whether to issue a statement or not.


The US is hesitant about its next move in the North Korea issue.


Worse, recent research from several European countries shows that many doctors and nurses have also become hesitant about vaccines, for the same reasons as their patients.

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?



(参考翻译:As the Spring Festival approaches, many working professionals are hesitant about job change.)


场景1: 我很犹豫要不要参加这个聚会。

造句:I was hesitant about going to the party. 

场景2: 我犹豫要不要买这个衣服。

造句:I was hesitant about buying the clothes. 

场景3: 一年前,当要辞职时我很紧张,犹豫不决,但现在我很高兴自己这样

造句:I was a little nervous and hesitant about quitting my job one years ago but I am glad that I did. 

例句:You seemed a bit hesitant about recommending that restaurant - is something wrong with it? 

She's hesitant about signing the contract. 她对是否签这个合同还犹豫不决。

 He seems hesitant about accepting the job.

‘I stepped boldly out on that new path, unsure and a little afraid, but never hesitant.

I was a little nervous and hesitant about taking on the job three years ago but I am glad that I did.



      本文标题:每日一词 hesitant
