友情与背叛——D2 of TKR

友情与背叛——D2 of TKR

作者: 小五儿Maggie | 来源:发表于2016-12-02 16:58 被阅读47次

Words and Phrases

impeccable:  ADJ.

原文:The police brought the somewhat contrite young men and the dead couple’s five-year-old orphan boy before my grandfather, who was a highly regarded judge and a man of impassable reputation.

1). having no flaws, perfect.

2). not capable of sinning, or not liable to sin

harbor  V.

原文:After  all, didn’t all fathers in their secret hearts harbor a desire to kill their sons?

1). to give a shelter to: harbor refugees; harbor a fugitive

2). to provide a place, home, or habitat for: a basement that harbors a maze of pipes; streams that harbor trout and bass.

3). to entertain or nourish (a specified though or feeling): harbor a grudge


hunker V.

原文:On his way out, Rahim Khan hunkered before me and handed me my story and another folded piece of paper.

1). to squat close to the ground; crouch. usually used with down: hunked down to avoid the ice wind

2). to take shelter, settle in, or hide out. usually with down: hunkered down in the cabin during the blizzard.

3). to hold stubbornly to a position. usually with down: “As the Whit House hunkered down, G.O.P. congressional unity started crumbling."

hone V.

原文:It is now your duty to hone that talent, because a person who wastes his God-given talents is a donkey.

1). to sharpen on a fine,grained whetstone.

2). to perfect or make more intense or effective: a speaker who honed her delivery by long practice.





Seconds plodded by, each separated from the next by an eternity. Air grew heavy damp, almost solid. I was breathing bricks.


Blue smoke swirled around his face. His glare made my throat feel dry. He just looked at me through the cloud of smoke.


But right then, I wished I could open my veins and drain his cursed blood from my body.

4,Amir在回忆父亲和Ali时写到父亲笑用的动词是burst out,然后是in gales, 让我想到形容Hassan妈妈时时用的bark,后面是bitter. 与人物形象很匹配。

Baba burst out in gales of his deep throated laughter—a sound not unlike a truck engine revving up—and when he could talk again, explained to us the concept of voice dubbing.

Sanaubar had taken one glance at the baby in Ali’s arm, seen the cleft lip, and barked a bitter laughter.

5,写Hassan去见爸爸接受生日礼物紧张时用breath puffing from his mouth,让人会心一笑,每个人紧张时或许都这样吧。

He was standing by the front door, dressed in white, hands tucked under his armpits, breath puffing from his mouth.

6,此外,作者几次描写到揽肩或类似揽过来这个动作用到的词(sling, put, throw, clutch )也不一样,让人印象深刻。

I reached across my seat, slung my arm around him, pulled him close.

Baba patted Hassen on the back, even put his arm around his shoulder

Baba would laugh and throw his arm around Ali.

I clutched him in a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek


These two paragraphs depict how Amir and Hassan crawl together, making pranks, and sharing stories atop the hill, with sunlight and shadows of leaves dancing on their faces. Though Amir says deep in his heart, he may never see Hassan as a friend, we can tell from those cheerful pictures that he cherishes this playmate, and enjoys the time being with him. Then Amir presents us an incident that may cast negative influence on their friendship. When coming across Assef, a local tyrant, Amir is so terrified that he denies Hassan as his friend but just his servant. However, though the same plentifully scared, Hassan steps in and fends him off. Amir has been conscience-stricken for it, and it is the time that he asks himself whether he sees Hassan as his friend.




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      本文标题:友情与背叛——D2 of TKR
