The Influence of Ideas
When one idea is expressed,closely related ideas are simultaneously conveyed,logically and inescapably.In logic,this kinship is expressed by the term sequitur,Latin for "it follows".(The converse is non sequitur,"it does not follow.")
当表达一个想法的时候,与之密切相关的想法会同时传达出来,这是合乎逻辑和无法避免的。在逻辑上,这种两个想法之间的亲密关系在术语上的表达叫做“根据前提得出的符合逻辑的推论”,拉丁语叫做“it follows”。(反过来叫做“不合逻辑的推论”,"it does not follow.")
Consider,for example,the idea that many teachers and parents express to young children as a way of encouraging them:"If you believe in yourself,you can succeed at anything."From this it follows that nothing else but belief--neither talent nor hard work--is necessary for success.The reason the two ideas are equivalent is that their meanings are inseparably linked.
In addition to conveying ideas closely linked to it in meaning,an idea can imply other ideas.For example,the idea that there is no real difference between virue and vice implies that people should not feel bound by common moral standards.Samuel Johnson had this implication in mind when he said:"But if he does really think that there is no distinction between virtue and vice,why,Sir,when he leaves our houses let us count our spoons"
If we were fully aware of the closely linked meanings and implications of the ideas we encounter,we could easily sort out the sound ones from the unsound,the wise from the foolish,and the helpful from the harmful.But we are seldom fully aware.In many cases,we take ideas at face value and embrace them with little or no thought of their associated meanings and implications.In the course of time,our actions are shaped by those meanings and implications,whether we are aware of them or not.
To appreciate the influence of ideas in people's lives,consider the series of events set in motion by an idea that was popular in psychology more than a century ago and whose influence continues to this day---the idea that "intelligence is genetically determined and cannot be increased."
That idea led researchers to devise tests that measure intelligence.The most famous(badly flawed)test determined that the average mental age of white American adults was 13 and that,among immigrants,the average Russian's mental age was11.34;the average Italian's,11.01;the average Pole's,10.74;and the average mental age of 'Negroes",10.41.
Educators read the text results and thought,"Attempts to raise students' intelligence are pointless," so they replaced academic curricula with vocational curricula and embraced a methodology that taught students facts but not the process of judgment.