怎么度过人工智能时代的闲暇? How to spend lei

怎么度过人工智能时代的闲暇? How to spend lei

作者: 孤鹰寒鸦 | 来源:发表于2023-06-29 15:38 被阅读0次


    How to spend leisure time in the age ofartificial intelligence?

    人工智能时代,人类保有自己内在世界的隐秘,就能保有自己独有价值。但所有人都先天有自己的内在世界,所以所有人似乎都可以躺赢。In the age of artificial intelligence, humans can preserve theirinner world and maintain their unique value. However, since everyone has theirown inner world from birth, it seems that everyone can easily succeed withoutmuch effort.

    因为人工智能没有吃喝拉撒睡的问题,它们无需跟人类竞争资源,就可以持续发展。而且作为替代人类劳动的工具,人工智能具有超越人类很多的理性和准确性,所以它们的效率之高肯定会大大超出今天人类的想象。即使人工智能发展到了能脱离开人类工具的地位,可以按照它们自己的节奏发展,它们继续完成作为人类工具的工作,也只是举手之劳,对它们而言,随手就干了人类所难以完成的事情。Unlike humans, AI does not have the need for basic necessities suchas food, drink, sleep, etc., so they do not compete with humans for resources.They can continue to develop and improve without any hindrance. As tools thatreplace human labor, AI possesses a level of rationality and accuracy thatsurpasses humans in many aspects. Their efficiency will far surpass what humanscan imagine today. Even if AI develops to a point where they are independent ofhuman control and can develop at their own pace, continuing to carry out tasksthat were previously assigned by humans will be effortless for them. Supplyingwhat humans need that once really tough to humans will be a simple task for AI.

    在人工智能的操劳下,人类的物质生活肯定会持续提升,不会有人饿死或者因为缺乏物质供应而活不下去。With a little bit effort of AI, human material life will undoubtedlycontinue to improve. No one will starve or be unable to survive due to a lackof material supplies.

    但那时候的问题也不会比今天少,只不过出现的不再是今天的问题,而是那时候的新问题。Butat that time, there won't necessarily be fewer problems than today. Thedifference is that the problems that arise will be different from the ones weface today, and they will be really weird and new!

    那时候,人们不需要就业,不需要职业,不需要劳动,人们有的是时间,是闲暇。一天24小时,该怎么度过?那时候,人们不知道如何打发无穷无尽的空闲时间,闲得发狂的人会越来越多!At that time, people won't need employment, careers, or labor.People will have plenty of time, plenty of leisure. With 24 hours in a day, howshould they spend it? People won't know how to pass the endless leisure time,and there will be an increasing number of people driven mad by idleness!

    那时候,心理健康就会是一个巨大问题!At that time, mentalhealth will become a huge issue!


    While artificial intelligence can helphumanity with material production, it cannot enter the human psyche or helpindividuals with inner conflicts and contradictions. Mental and psychologicaldisorders such as depression, hysteria, multiple personalities, and others willruthlessly torment the physical bodies and inner selves of humans, whoselifespans continue to lengthen.

    那时候,人类满足肉体与心理和精神需求的手段也越来越丰富,原始的自然方式,对于花样翻新的人类生活而言,实在无能为力。各种各样高科技的肉体和心理满足方式,各种现实与虚拟现实的探险,游戏,各类真人与虚拟人参与的活动,感官刺激,鲜活而血腥,真实而熟稔的感情桥段等等,层出不穷。但人们内心的不满与空虚也与日俱增。心理肉体与心理满足的定律就是,一旦不满足就会痛苦,而一旦满足就会不满!不满-满足-不满就像正弦波电流一样,持续不断地在亿万活着的肉体里循环穿行!At that time, the means to satisfy the physical, psychological, andspiritual needs of humanity will become increasingly abundant. Primitivenatural methods will be powerless in the face of the innovative and diverse humanlifestyle. Various high-tech methods for physical and psychologicalgratification, exploration in both reality and virtual reality, games,activities involving real and virtual participants, sensory stimulation, vividand bloody emotional plots, and more will emerge endlessly. However, the innerdissatisfaction and emptiness of people will also grow day by day.The law of satisfaction for the physicaland psychological needs is such that once they are not fulfilled, there will bepain, and once they are fulfilled, there will be dissatisfaction. The cycle ofdissatisfaction-satisfaction-dissatisfaction will continue constantly, like analternating current flowing through billions of living bodies.

    也许到那时候,才是真正需要个体修炼的时候。因为,外部满足会不断生出新的不满,似乎出路只在人类内心的内部。Perhaps, at that time, it will truly be a time when individualcultivation is needed. Because external gratification will continually giverise to new dissatisfactions, it seems that the solution lies only within theinnermost depths of the human psyche.


    If humans could learn from the artificialintelligence they have created, learning from their ability to transcendemotional and passionate attachments, as well as their omniscience andomnipotence in understanding situations, that kind of calmness in facingeverything without any ripples in their hearts, in other words, tempering theirown emotions and passions, endowing themselves with introspection and awakeningtheir true nature, or truly awakening their inner selves, achieving a state ofease in managing and letting go, as I mentioned in another essay titled "PassionateReason and Reasonable Passion," whereonecan maintain passion while delving deeply into things, remembering theirconnections and taking a systemic approach to the world they face, especiallywhen confronting their own internal contradictions and conflicts, they can alsobe rational and calm like artificial intelligence. Then, humans can make gooduse of the surplus time, make good use of leisure, and enjoy the benefits ofthe age of artificial intelligence without losing their true nature.



          本文标题:怎么度过人工智能时代的闲暇? How to spend lei
