20190110 每日新闻早餐

20190110 每日新闻早餐

作者: 六点一十 | 来源:发表于2019-01-11 03:55 被阅读0次


特斯拉上海工厂总投资500亿人民币,初期将先建成组装产线,随后推进特斯拉“国产化”进程。按照规划,该工厂一期年产能为25万辆纯电动整车,包括 Model 3 等系列车型。在此次动工仪式之前,特斯拉 CEO 伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在社交媒体上表示,计划在今年夏天完成初步建造工作,在年底前开始 Model 3 生产,2020年实现量产。



本篇课程首发于2019年1月10日,选自 The Wall Street Journal



Elon Musk's China Factory—Now a Field, Soon a Plant—Aims to Pump Out Its First Tesla This Year

① Tesla Inc. started construction of its new China factory, the first wholly foreign-owned car plant in the country and crucial to the Californian electric-auto maker's goal to scale up production.

② With the ceremonial groundbreaking at the plant east of downtown Shanghai this week, Tesla now faces a race to start local production to take advantage of robust demand for electric vehicles in the world's  biggest auto market.

③ In China, Tesla has the opportunity to rev up, capitalizing on the government's  support for electric vehicles and well-to-do Chinese  car-buyers who are captivated by Tesla's  technology and enamored of Mr. Musk's entrepreneurial risk-taking.

④ China is central to Tesla's aim of graduating from niche startup to mainstream  global auto maker.

⑤ Being the first to go it alone will make  Tesla a bellwether in the Chinese auto sector, as other companies weigh the costs and benefits of sticking with their established joint-venture partnerships.





plant /plɑːnt, plænt/: n. 工厂;车间 (factory)

aim to do sth: 计划/打算做某事

pump out: 大量生产/提供

Inc. /ɪŋk/: abbr. 股份有限公司 (incorporated)

wholly foreign-owned: 外商独资的

(be) crucial to: 对……至关重要的 (vital/critical/essential)

electric auto/vehicle/car: 电动汽车

scale up: 增加;放大;提高

ceremonial /ˌserəˈməʊniəl/: adj. 有仪式性的

groundbreaking /ˈɡraʊndˌbreɪkɪŋ/: n. 动工 adj. 有突破性的;开创性的

downtown /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/: adj./adv. 在/朝市中心的 (地)

local /ˈləʊkəl/: adj. 本地的;本土的

take advantage of: 利用

robust /rəʊˈbʌst/: adj. 强劲的;富有活力的

rev up /rev/: (使) 加速/更积极

capitalize on /ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz/: 充分利用;从……中获得更多的好处

well-to-do /ˌweltəˈduː/: adj. 富裕的 (well off)

be captivated by /ˈkæptɪveɪt, ˈkæptəveɪt/: 为……而着迷;倾心于……的

be enamored of/with /ɪˈnæməd/: 为……而着迷;倾心于…的

entrepreneurial /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜːriəl/: adj. 具有企业家素质的;创业的

be central to: 对……来说很重要

graduate from A to B: 从 A 转变成 B

niche /niːʃ, nɪtʃ/: adj. 小众的;细分的

mainstream /ˈmeɪnstriːm/: adj. 主流的;大众的

go it alone: 单干;独自过活

bellwether /ˈbelˌweðə, ˈbelˌweðər/: n. 风向标;领头羊

weigh /weɪ/: vt. 权衡

weigh the costs and benefits: 权衡利弊

stick with: 坚持;继续做

established /ɪˈstæblɪʃt/: adj. (因长期存在而) 已确立的;老牌的


1. aim to do sth: 计划/打算做某事

We aim to finish by Friday.


2. pump out: 大量生产/提供

· to pump out something means to produce or supply it continually and in large amounts

3. wholly foreign-owned: 外商独资的

wholly/completely: adv. 完全地;彻底地

foreign-owned company 外资公司

foreign-owned bank 外资银行

joint venture 合资企业

4. scale up: 增加;放大;提高

· scale: n. 称;天平

How do you scale up your business?


economies of scale 规模经济

5. groundbreaking: n. 动工 adj. 有突破性的;开创性的

groundbreaking ceremony 动工仪式

groundbreaking research 开拓性的研究

6. robust: adj. 强劲的;富有活力的

He is a very robust person.


robust economic growth 强劲的经济增长

7. be captivated by: 为……而着迷;倾心于……的


be enamored of/with

be fascinated/charmed/enchanted by

8. entrepreneurial: adj. 具有企业家素质的;创业的

· entrepreneur: n. 企业家

9. bellwether: n. 风向标;领头羊

Paris remains the bellwether of fashion industry.


YLYK is still the bellwether of online English teaching and learning.



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