
作者: eaTong | 来源:发表于2020-05-05 15:38 被阅读0次


  • 统一处理请求错误(可以在指定节点增加错误日志收集等)
  • cookie封装
  • 默认参数设置




      Map result = await request('/api/user/login',
          data: {'account': account, 'password': password});
      if (result != null) {
        Application.router.navigateTo(context, '/home',replace:true);




formatexception: invalid character in cookie name, code unit: '58' (at character 4)


import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:dio_cookie_manager/dio_cookie_manager.dart';
import 'package:cookie_jar/cookie_jar.dart';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';

class PrivateCookieManager extends CookieManager {
  PrivateCookieManager(CookieJar cookieJar) : super(cookieJar);

  Future onResponse(Response response) async => _saveCookies(response);

  Future onError(DioError err) async => _saveCookies(err.response);

  _saveCookies(Response response) {
    print("_saveCookies response = $response");
    if (response != null && response.headers != null) {
      List<String> cookies = response.headers[HttpHeaders.setCookieHeader];
      if (cookies != null) {
          cookies.map((str) => _Cookie.fromSetCookieValue(str)).toList(),

class _Cookie implements Cookie {
  String name;
  String value;
  DateTime expires;
  int maxAge;
  String domain;
  String path;
  bool httpOnly = false;
  bool secure = false;

  _Cookie([this.name, this.value]) {
    // Default value of httponly is true.
    httpOnly = true;

  _Cookie.fromSetCookieValue(String value) {
    // Parse the 'set-cookie' header value.

  // Parse a 'set-cookie' header value according to the rules in RFC 6265.
  void _parseSetCookieValue(String s) {
    int index = 0;

    bool done() => index == s.length;

    String parseName() {
      int start = index;
      while (!done()) {
        if (s[index] == "=") break;
      return s.substring(start, index).trim();

    String parseValue() {
      int start = index;
      while (!done()) {
        if (s[index] == ";") break;
      return s.substring(start, index).trim();

    void expect(String expected) {
      if (done()) throw new HttpException("Failed to parse header value [$s]");
      if (s[index] != expected) {
        throw new HttpException("Failed to parse header value [$s]");

    void parseAttributes() {
      String parseAttributeName() {
        int start = index;
        while (!done()) {
          if (s[index] == "=" || s[index] == ";") break;
        return s.substring(start, index).trim().toLowerCase();

      String parseAttributeValue() {
        int start = index;
        while (!done()) {
          if (s[index] == ";") break;
        return s.substring(start, index).trim().toLowerCase();

      while (!done()) {
        String name = parseAttributeName();
        String value = "";
        if (!done() && s[index] == "=") {
          index++; // Skip the = character.
          value = parseAttributeValue();
        if (name == "expires") {
          expires = _parseCookieDate(value);
        } else if (name == "max-age") {
          maxAge = int.parse(value);
        } else if (name == "domain") {
          domain = value;
        } else if (name == "path") {
          path = value;
        } else if (name == "httponly") {
          httpOnly = true;
        } else if (name == "secure") {
          secure = true;
        if (!done()) index++; // Skip the ; character

    name = parseName();
    if (done() || name.length == 0) {
      throw new HttpException("Failed to parse header value [$s]");
    index++; // Skip the = character.
    value = parseValue();
    if (done()) return;
    index++; // Skip the ; character.

  String toString() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    if (expires != null) {
      sb..write("; Expires=")..write(HttpDate.format(expires));
    if (maxAge != null) {
      sb..write("; Max-Age=")..write(maxAge);
    if (domain != null) {
      sb..write("; Domain=")..write(domain);
    if (path != null) {
      sb..write("; Path=")..write(path);
    if (secure) sb.write("; Secure");
    if (httpOnly) sb.write("; HttpOnly");
    return sb.toString();

  void _validate() {
    const separators = const [
//      ":",
//      "[",
//      "]",
    for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
      int codeUnit = name.codeUnits[i];
      if (codeUnit <= 32 ||
          codeUnit >= 127 ||
          separators.indexOf(name[i]) >= 0) {
        throw new FormatException(
            "Invalid character in cookie name, code unit: '$codeUnit'",

    // Per RFC 6265, consider surrounding "" as part of the value, but otherwise
    // double quotes are not allowed.
    int start = 0;
    int end = value.length;
    if (2 <= value.length &&
        value.codeUnits[start] == 0x22 &&
        value.codeUnits[end - 1] == 0x22) {

    for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
      int codeUnit = value.codeUnits[i];
      if (!(codeUnit == 0x21 ||
          (codeUnit >= 0x23 && codeUnit <= 0x2B) ||
          (codeUnit >= 0x2D && codeUnit <= 0x3A) ||
          (codeUnit >= 0x3C && codeUnit <= 0x5B) ||
          (codeUnit >= 0x5D && codeUnit <= 0x7E))) {
        throw new FormatException(
            "Invalid character in cookie value, code unit: '$codeUnit'",

  // Parse a cookie date string.
  static DateTime _parseCookieDate(String date) {
    const List monthsLowerCase = const [

    int position = 0;

    void error() {
      throw new HttpException("Invalid cookie date $date");

    bool isEnd() => position == date.length;

    bool isDelimiter(String s) {
      int char = s.codeUnitAt(0);
      if (char == 0x09) return true;
      if (char >= 0x20 && char <= 0x2F) return true;
      if (char >= 0x3B && char <= 0x40) return true;
      if (char >= 0x5B && char <= 0x60) return true;
      if (char >= 0x7B && char <= 0x7E) return true;
      return false;

    bool isNonDelimiter(String s) {
      int char = s.codeUnitAt(0);
      if (char >= 0x00 && char <= 0x08) return true;
      if (char >= 0x0A && char <= 0x1F) return true;
      if (char >= 0x30 && char <= 0x39) return true; // Digit
      if (char == 0x3A) return true; // ':'
      if (char >= 0x41 && char <= 0x5A) return true; // Alpha
      if (char >= 0x61 && char <= 0x7A) return true; // Alpha
      if (char >= 0x7F && char <= 0xFF) return true; // Alpha
      return false;

    bool isDigit(String s) {
      int char = s.codeUnitAt(0);
      if (char > 0x2F && char < 0x3A) return true;
      return false;

    int getMonth(String month) {
      if (month.length < 3) return -1;
      return monthsLowerCase.indexOf(month.substring(0, 3));

    int toInt(String s) {
      int index = 0;
      for (; index < s.length && isDigit(s[index]); index++);
      return int.parse(s.substring(0, index));

    var tokens = [];
    while (!isEnd()) {
      while (!isEnd() && isDelimiter(date[position])) position++;
      int start = position;
      while (!isEnd() && isNonDelimiter(date[position])) position++;
      tokens.add(date.substring(start, position).toLowerCase());
      while (!isEnd() && isDelimiter(date[position])) position++;

    String timeStr;
    String dayOfMonthStr;
    String monthStr;
    String yearStr;

    for (var token in tokens) {
      if (token.length < 1) continue;
      if (timeStr == null &&
          token.length >= 5 &&
          isDigit(token[0]) &&
          (token[1] == ":" || (isDigit(token[1]) && token[2] == ":"))) {
        timeStr = token;
      } else if (dayOfMonthStr == null && isDigit(token[0])) {
        dayOfMonthStr = token;
      } else if (monthStr == null && getMonth(token) >= 0) {
        monthStr = token;
      } else if (yearStr == null &&
          token.length >= 2 &&
          isDigit(token[0]) &&
          isDigit(token[1])) {
        yearStr = token;

    if (timeStr == null ||
        dayOfMonthStr == null ||
        monthStr == null ||
        yearStr == null) {

    int year = toInt(yearStr);
    if (year >= 70 && year <= 99)
      year += 1900;
    else if (year >= 0 && year <= 69) year += 2000;
    if (year < 1601) error();

    int dayOfMonth = toInt(dayOfMonthStr);
    if (dayOfMonth < 1 || dayOfMonth > 31) error();

    int month = getMonth(monthStr) + 1;

    var timeList = timeStr.split(":");
    if (timeList.length != 3) error();
    int hour = toInt(timeList[0]);
    int minute = toInt(timeList[1]);
    int second = toInt(timeList[2]);
    if (hour > 23) error();
    if (minute > 59) error();
    if (second > 59) error();

    return new DateTime.utc(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, 0);


  CookieJar cookieJar = CookieJar();




