M实事摘要Newsletter】20171119 #1

作者: MurphyWan | 来源:发表于2017-11-19 20:34 被阅读0次

    欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【实事摘要】

    1) Jaguar Land Rover tests 1st driverless vehicle on public roads

    London: Britain's biggest automaker, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), has tested its first driverless car on public roads, it said on Friday, as carmakers race against each other and tech firms to tap into new technologies. Last October, a pod heavily adapted from a compact Renault car was the first autonomous ...

    2) Highway Robbery: Mandating Driverless Cars

    National Review
    Autonomous cars won't have to route around traffic jams because traffic jams will never form in the first place — that's the value of the network.

    3) Driverless cars developed in Leicestershire on public roads for the first time

    Leicester Mercury
    Driverless cars developed in Leicestershire have finally taken to the streets of the Midlands. The UK's biggest trial of autonomous vehicle technology moved onto public roads for the first time today, following years of research, programming and safety checks at a vast testing facility just outside Hinckley.

    4) 无人驾驶还有多远:成为主流最快要等到2027年

    无人驾驶汽车正发展为新的“淘金潮”。本届高交会上,无人驾驶汽车系统吸引观众眼球。在1号馆,星行科技工作人员展示了无人驾驶level 4的解决方案。该解决方案使用多个传感器来进行测量和感知,从而更好地提高自动驾驶算法的稳健性和自动驾驶的安全性,可应用在自动驾驶卡车、自动驾驶物流车等上面。

    5) 特斯拉新车发布后沃尔玛立即响应已预定15辆在北美测试

    此前据金融博客Zerohedge援引跟踪风险投资的CB Insight报告表示,今年市场将在无人驾驶的商用卡车系统投入约10亿美元,是三年前投入的10倍之多。无人驾驶货车将为物流节省不少成本:无需卡车司机减少了人力成本,并且延长了货车运行时间,无人驾驶更为安全高效,车辆保险费用等也可以下降。

    6) 特斯拉新车发布一天不到,短线股价上涨5美元,究竟发生了什么?

    Leiphone (博客)
    此前据金融博客Zerohedge 援引跟踪风险投资的CB Insight 报告表示,今年市场将在无人驾驶的商用卡车系统投入约10 亿美元,是三年前投入的10 倍之多。无人驾驶货车将为物流节省不少成本:无需卡车司机减少了人力成本,并且延长了货车运行时间,无人驾驶更为安全高效,车辆保险费用等也可以下降。

    7) Self-Driving Car Tech Can Help Another Form of Transport: Wheelchairs

    Autonomous vehicle technology often prompts discussions about profit, safety, efficiency, jobs, and more. But this innovation can change millions of lives today without introducing a single car to the road. Think: self-driving wheelchairs.

    8) What Racing Legend Mario Andretti Thinks of Self-Driving Cars

    "Don't talk to me about self-driving cars, you are talking to the wrong guy," Andretti told TheStreet in an interview from his Pennsylvania estate. But, Andretti is well aware that self-driving cars are likely the future in this hyper-connected world where people would rather take selfies instead of steering an ...

    9) State gets ready for self-driving cars

    Terre Haute Tribune Star
    State agencies are working with private firms and Purdue University to prepare Indiana roads and licensing requirements for self-driving vehicles. The agreements come as the Indiana General Assembly will likely be presented with a plan to form a task force evaluating the changes needed to bring, first, ...

    10) How much autonomy is too much for AI?

    AI has the power to make decisions on our behalf and the world is getting excited. But there's always that nagging question: Who will be the servant and who will be the master? Should we approach AI from a completely different angle? Should we actually hand over control at all and let the AI make its ...

    11) The Top 15 Employers Hiring Artificial Intelligence Talent

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is the hottest field in technology. Companies use AI to automate tasks typically done by people, and major tech firms see it as ...

    12) Recommended Reading: The church of AI

    Recommended Reading: The church of AI ... takes a look at Way of the Future's doctrine, Levandowski's role and the quest to create the divine AI.

    北京时间17/11/19 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】



        本文标题:M实事摘要Newsletter】20171119 #1
