用了 Android Architecture Component ** 也有一段时间了,期间也遇到过不少问题,也慢慢的解决了。map和switchmap**是 LiveData 中Transformations提供的两个方法,那具体能干些啥呢?这是个好问题。如果知道RxJava,那么可以简单的对标 map和flatmap,咱先这么理解着,对不对先不管,起码,脑子中有个概念。
* Applies the given function on the main thread to each value emitted by {@code source}
* LiveData and returns LiveData, which emits resulting values.
* <p>
* The given function {@code func} will be executed on the main thread.
* <p>
* Suppose that you have a LiveData, named {@code userLiveData}, that contains user data and you
* need to display the user name, created by concatenating the first and the last
* name of the user. You can define a function that handles the name creation, that will be
* applied to every value emitted by {@code useLiveData}.
* <pre>
* LiveData<User> userLiveData = ...;
* LiveData<String> userName = Transformations.map(userLiveData, user -> {
* return user.firstName + " " + user.lastName
* });
* </pre>
* @param source a {@code LiveData} to listen to
* @param func a function to apply
* @param <X> a type of {@code source} LiveData
* @param <Y> a type of resulting LiveData.
* @return a LiveData which emits resulting values
public static <X, Y> LiveData<Y> map(@NonNull LiveData<X> source,
@NonNull final Function<X, Y> func) {
final MediatorLiveData<Y> result = new MediatorLiveData<>();
result.addSource(source, new Observer<X>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable X x) {
return result;
就是 传进去一个Livedata形式的参数和一个方法,然后将这个LiveData。通过方法中的逻辑再输出为LiveData,最简单的用法就是像kotlin集合中的map用法。将集合中每个元素,做你方法中的操作,比如加减之类的。源码中的那个注释大概就是这个各操作,
我们来扩展一下,假设现在有这么一个场景:界面上有个输入框,你输入一些字母 然后添加到数据库中。完了之后弹个吐司。
val strLivedata=MutableLiveData<String>()
fun yourFun(str:String)="新${str}被添加到数据库中"
fun addStrClick(str:String)= { strLivedata.value=str}
val addStr:LiveData=Transformations.map(strLivedata, ::yourFun)
viewModel.addSt.observe(this, Observer{
button.setOnClickListener {
switchmap 说实话,一开始的时候,我立即起来和用起来,比较费劲,尤其是配合了lamada表达式,更是难受。
* Creates a LiveData, let's name it {@code swLiveData}, which follows next flow:
* it reacts on changes of {@code trigger} LiveData, applies the given function to new value of
* {@code trigger} LiveData and sets resulting LiveData as a "backing" LiveData
* to {@code swLiveData}.
* "Backing" LiveData means, that all events emitted by it will retransmitted
* by {@code swLiveData}.
* <p>
* If the given function returns null, then {@code swLiveData} is not "backed" by any other
* LiveData.
* <p>
* The given function {@code func} will be executed on the main thread.
* <p>
* Consider the case where you have a LiveData containing a user id. Every time there's a new
* user id emitted, you want to trigger a request to get the user object corresponding to that
* id, from a repository that also returns a LiveData.
* <p>
* The {@code userIdLiveData} is the trigger and the LiveData returned by the {@code
* repository.getUserById} is the "backing" LiveData.
* <p>
* In a scenario where the repository contains User(1, "Jane") and User(2, "John"), when the
* userIdLiveData value is set to "1", the {@code switchMap} will call {@code getUser(1)},
* that will return a LiveData containing the value User(1, "Jane"). So now, the userLiveData
* will emit User(1, "Jane"). When the user in the repository gets updated to User(1, "Sarah"),
* the {@code userLiveData} gets automatically notified and will emit User(1, "Sarah").
* <p>
* When the {@code setUserId} method is called with userId = "2", the value of the {@code
* userIdLiveData} changes and automatically triggers a request for getting the user with id
* "2" from the repository. So, the {@code userLiveData} emits User(2, "John"). The LiveData
* returned by {@code repository.getUserById(1)} is removed as a source.
* <pre>
* MutableLiveData<String> userIdLiveData = ...;
* LiveData<User> userLiveData = Transformations.switchMap(userIdLiveData, id ->
* repository.getUserById(id));
* void setUserId(String userId) {
* this.userIdLiveData.setValue(userId);
* }
* </pre>
* @param trigger a {@code LiveData} to listen to
* @param func a function which creates "backing" LiveData
* @param <X> a type of {@code source} LiveData
* @param <Y> a type of resulting LiveData
public static <X, Y> LiveData<Y> switchMap(@NonNull LiveData<X> trigger,
@NonNull final Function<X, LiveData<Y>> func) {
final MediatorLiveData<Y> result = new MediatorLiveData<>();
result.addSource(trigger, new Observer<X>() {
LiveData<Y> mSource;
public void onChanged(@Nullable X x) {
LiveData<Y> newLiveData = func.apply(x);
if (mSource == newLiveData) {
if (mSource != null) {
mSource = newLiveData;
if (mSource != null) {
result.addSource(mSource, new Observer<Y>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable Y y) {
return result;
val query = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun queryByStr(str: String) = apply { query.value = str}
fun yourFun(str:String):LiveData<List<String>>{
return 你网络或者数据库.query(str)
val queryResult=LiveData<List<String>>=Transformations.switchMap(
viewModel.queryResult.observe(this,Observer {