Within only a couple of years, she leapfrogged from an entry-level worker into a senior sales/engineering/marketing/product/PR/operations position. 《
But thanks to a happy combination of innovation and falling costs for renewable energy, Africa may now be able to leapfrog ahead not once but twice, skipping both polluting fossil fuels and, often, the electricity grid itself.
“Thanks to a happy combination of A and B, C may now be able to leapfrog ahead not once but twice, skipping both D and, often, E.” 这个句式在很多方面也适用于中国。比如当其它国家还主要使用信用卡和现金时,我们早早就开始享受移动支付的便利。中国的移动支付可以说是世界上最发达,也是应用范围最广的。我们就可以说: China almost skipped credit card payment and leapfrogged straight into mobile payment.
Boosters point to the soaring number of patents held by Chinese technology firms like Huawei and Lenovo, the number of Chinese PhDs in technical fields graduating each year and the success of internet firms like Alibaba and Tencent as evidence that China is leapfrogging to the forefront of global innovation.
“China is leapfrogging to the forefront of global innovation.”就是“中国一跃站到了世界创新的最前沿”。这句话写得很漂亮,leapfrog 强调了超越速度之快,让整句话变得画面感十足,非常值得直接背下来。
3. 怎样学会使用这个词?
1)翻译下面的句子: David 超越了他的同班同学,只用两年半就拿到了本科学位。
(参考翻译:David leapfrogged his classmates and obtained his bachelor's degree within just two and a half years.)