

作者: Rutona | 来源:发表于2018-06-01 23:40 被阅读0次

3P - passionate, positive, professional

Passionate. There must be a process from original love to self-motivate, especially when you find out what does officer really means and how much time it will take... During this period, responsibility and personal goal are the fundamental supports. You must make clear of your motivation.

Positive. It's a great culture when solving problems and working in groups. It's no big deal making a mistake here in toastmasters, we see it seriously as a great opportunity for self-improvement and will make a professional reflection in groups. Also, each time when someone have no time to make regular promotion, there will always be an backup.

Professional. Both in communication and leadership. Use proper communication strategies to solve specific problems. Use professional methods to work out group tasks.

I want to be more professional in the next six month both in communication and leadership. So I will make regular speeches and also be a co-VPM to encourage my visit frequency and also improve my communication strategy skills.





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