

作者: luke_skywalker | 来源:发表于2020-01-20 14:38 被阅读0次
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                    time: start_time,
                    ad_type: type,
                    behavior: behavior
            // 曝光
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            exposure: function (el,scrollBox) {
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                } else {
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        getRequestId: function (n) {
            return (+new Date()) + Math.random().toString(10).substring(2, 2 + n);
        // 嵩恒dsp
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                jsonp: 'jsonpcallback',
                success: function (res) {
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                    callback && callback(d);
                error: function (res) {
                    var arr=[];
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    $('.js_op').on('click', function () {
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          <div class="mask_error"></div>\
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              <div class="error_title">\
              <i class="error_close"></i>\
              <div class="proposal_content">\
                  <p class="proposal_tit">你要反馈的内容(可多选):</p>\
                  <ul class="proposal_opt clearfix">\
                      <li data-num="1" class="">涉政治有害</li>\
                      <li data-num="2">涉暴恐</li>\
                      <li data-num="3">涉淫秽色情</li>\
                      <li data-num="4">涉诈骗</li>\
                      <li data-num="5">涉赌博</li>\
                      <li data-num="6">涉侵权</li>\
                      <li data-num="7">虚假新闻</li>\
                      <li data-num="8">广告软文</li>\
                      <li data-num="9">新闻过时</li>\
                      <li data-num="10">有错别字</li>\
                      <li data-num="11">格式异常</li>\
                      <li data-num="12">标题党</li>\
                      <li data-num="13" class="last_check">我要吐槽</li>\
                  <span class="textarea_value ">具体内容或其他反馈内容:</span>\
                  <div class="proposal_textarea">\
                      <textarea class="proposal_textarea_val" ></textarea>\
                  <div class="proposal_phone">\
                      手机号:<input class="phone_input" >\
                      邮箱:<input class="mail_input" >\
                      <div class="error_promt" ></div>\
              <div class="error_submit">\
                  <button class="error_button_a" disabled="disabled">提交</button>\
              <div style="width: 100%;height: 100%;position: fixed;top:0;background-color: #000;opacity: .4;filter: alpha(opacity=40);z-index: 99998;-webkit-filter: alpha(opacity=40);" class="mask_error"></div></div>'
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          : '//news.hoteastday.com/api/feedback/add'
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          ? $('.error_promt').text('输入内容不能超过200个字符')
          : $('.error_promt').html('')
      $('.error_button_a').on('click', function () {
        function report_func (t) {
          var data = {
            tags: error_reason.join(','),
            content: error_detail,
            phone: error_phpone,
            mail: error_mail
            type: 'post',
            url: report_url,
            timeout: 1e3,
            dataType: 'json',
            data: data,
            success: function (t) {
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                setTimeout(function () {
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            error: function (err) {
              setTimeout(function () {
              }, 2e3)
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          (error_detail = error_detail
            .replace(/\n/gm, '')
            .replace(/\t/gm, '')
            .replace(/\r/gm, '')
            .replace(/ /gm, '')),
          error_detail.length >= 200)
        ) {
          return void $(this).removeAttr('disabled')
        var error_phpone = $.trim(
        var error_mail = $.trim(
        if (
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              (error_phpone = null),
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