今天看了一点KOBE的The Mamba Mentality和另一本和拖延症相关的书,一个从正面一个从反面都说到同一些点。
I would see something I liked in person or on film, go practice it immediately, practice it more the next day, and then go and use it. By the time I reached the league, I had a short learning curve. I could see something, download it and have it down pat.
科比说他看到一个好的招就马上去学,马上。失败了又怎么样呢?学会了就多一项技能,没学会丢了丑也不尴尬。联想到今天看到的拖延症原因,其中一个就是因为害怕失败而不去做,这种拖延症患者的底层思维是fixed mindset,觉得一件事成功与否决定了自己的能力。如果失败了,那证明自己差劲。而growth minset的人就会像kobe一样,如果失败了也没什么,找到失败的原因,反而是自己进步的好机会。
而且越学会越快,他最后说自己had a short learning curve
I had a constant craving, a yearning to improve and be the best. I never need any external forces to motivate me.
It was alway fun to watch, study, and ask the most important question: Why?