Get your education apps ready for Schoolwork 2.1 beta
让你的 education apps 为 Schoolwork 2.1 测试版做好准备
September 23, 2020
2020 年 9 月 23 日
The latest version of Schoolwork, the powerful iPad app for teachers and students that helps them keep track of assignments and student progress, is now available.
最新版的 Schoolwork 是一款对象为老师和学生且功能强大的 iPad app,它可以帮助他们跟踪任务和学习进度。
Make sure your app takes advantage of the latest ClassKit features to provide a great user experience. With the new ClassKit Catalog API, you can declare contexts ahead of time instead of at runtime, include keywords, and support a large number of assignable activities.
为了提供更棒的用户体验,确保你的App采用了最新的 ClassKit 特性。伴随着新的 ClassKit Catalog API 投入使用,你可以提前声明上下文而不是在运行时,关键字以及支持大量可分配活动。
Teachers can browse your app’s activities in Schoolwork before running your app for the first time on their device.
老师可以在首次安装你的App之前就通过 Schoolwork 浏览你的 App 活性。
Available in beta, this REST API can be tested with Schoolwork 2.1. And on iPadOS 14, ClassKit supports rich new metadata properties to make your content more discoverable by teachers in Schoolwork.
REST API 测试版可以在 Schoolwork 2.1 和 on iPadOS 14系统上使用,ClassKit提供的丰富的、新的元数据属性,可以让你的内容更容易被Schoolwork的老师发现
Learn more about the ClassKit Catalog API
了解有关ClassKit Catalog API的更多信息
下载Schoolwork 2.1 beta
- powerful adj. 强大的;强有力的 adv. 很;非常
- assignments n. 作业(assignment的复数形式);分配
- assignable adj. [经] 可分配的;可指定的;可让渡的
- available adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的
- takes advantage of 利用
- declare vt. 宣布,声明;断言,宣称 vi. 声明,宣布
- ahead of time 提前;提早
- browse vt. 浏览;吃草 vi. 浏览;吃草;漫不经心地看商品 n. 浏览;吃草;嫩草,嫩叶
- discoverable adj. 发现的;显露的;泄露的