Group Communication

Group Communication

作者: perryn | 来源:发表于2017-08-21 18:20 被阅读21次
    The following are the three main types or orderings that have been studied in the context
    of ordered multicasts:
        1. Local order multicast (also called single-source FIFO)
        2. Causal order multicast
        3. Total order multicast
    Local order multicast: In local order multicast, if a process multicasts two messages in the
    order (m1, m2), then every correct process in the group must deliver m1 before m2. There
    are many applications of local order multicast: One is in the implementation of a DSM
    where the primary copy of each variable is maintained by an exclusive process, and all
    other processes use cached copies of it. Whenever the primary copy is updated, the owner
    of the primary copy multicasts the updates to the holders of the cached copies, and these
    copies are updated in the same order. Other applications include video distribution and
    software distribution.
    Causal order multicast: Let m1 and m2 be a pair of messages in a group, such that
    sent(m1) ≺ sent(m2). Then causal order multicast requires that every process in the system
    must deliver m1 before m2. Local order multicast trivially satisfies this. Causal order multicast
    modifies it by imposing delivery orders among causally ordered messages from distinct senders too. Here is an example: A group of students scattered across a large campus are preparing for an upcoming quiz through a shared bulletin board. Someone comes up with a question and throws it to the entire group, and whoever knows the answer multicasts
    it to the entire group. The delivery of a question to each student must happen before
    the delivery of the corresponding answer, since these are causally related. It will be awkward
    (and a violation of the rules of causal ordered multicast) if some student receives the
    answer first and then the corresponding question!
    Total order multicast: In total order atomic multicast, every member of the group is required
    to deliver all messages sent within the group in identical order. It implies that if every process
    i maintains a queue Q · i (initially empty) to which a message is appended as soon as it
    is delivered, then eventually, for any two distinct processes i and j, Q . i = Q . j. Note that the
    order in which the messages are delivered has no connection with the real time at which
    these messages were sent out.
    MySQL used Total Order multicast for group communication of group replication.



          本文标题:Group Communication
