学习小组Day 3-Cheng Guo

作者: 郭城_8d8c | 来源:发表于2020-07-23 11:59 被阅读0次

1、conda/miniconda in Linux

2、Install miniconda

2.1 google miniconda and then step by step

2.2 copy download link from the website

2.3 open xshell and input wget +link in 'biosoft',and the step by step...

3、Install and uninstall apps in miniconda, eg.fastqc

3.1 Activating conda by 'source ~/.bashrc'

3.2 conda search fastqc

3.3 conda install fastqc -y

3.4 conda remove fastqc -y

4、Look into 'conda info --envs'

4.1 Creat an environment by 'Conda create -n rna-seq python=3 fastqc trimmomatic -y'

4.2 Activating the new environment by ' conda activate rna-seq'

4.3 Conda deactivate




    本文标题:学习小组Day 3-Cheng Guo
