水风的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 3

水风的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 3

作者: 喵小园upup | 来源:发表于2019-08-14 21:33 被阅读0次


    Lesson 32-3 Galileo reborn 伽利略的复生

    But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one's instrument? Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo's telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse's great telescope in the eighteen-forties were scratches left by the grinder? We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo's spyglass if we recall that in his day, as for centuries before, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth; and if a single curved glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them?

    /ˈlɛsən/ 32-3 /ˌgæləˈlioʊ/ /ˈriˈbɔrn/ 伽利略的复生


    /bʌt/ /kæn/ /wi/ /bleɪm/ /ðoʊz/ /hu/ /lʊkt/ /ænd/ /feɪld/ /tu/ /si/ /wʌt/ /ˌgæləˈlioʊ/ /sɔ/, /ɪf/ /wi/ /rɪˈmɛmbər/ /ðæt/ /tu/ /juz/ /ə/ /ˈtɛləˌskoʊp/ /æt/ /ðə/ /ˈlɪmət/ /ʌv/ /ɪts/ /ˈpaʊərz/ /kɔlz/ /fɔr/ /lɔŋ/ /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ /ænd/ /ˈɪntəmət/ /fəˌmɪlˈjɛrəti/ /wɪð/ /wʌnz/ /ˈɪnstrəmənt/? /wʌz/ /ðə/ /fəˈlɑsəfər/ /hu/ /rəˈfjuzd/ /tu/ /lʊk/ /θru/ /ˌgæləˈlioʊz/ /ˈtɛləˌskoʊp/ /mɔr/ /ˈkʌlpəbəl/ /ðæn/ /ðoʊz/ /hu/ /əˈlɛʤd/ /ðæt/ /ðə/ /ˈspaɪrəl/ nebulae /əbˈzɜrvd/ /wɪð/ /lɔrd/ /ˈrɑsɪz/ /greɪt/ /ˈtɛləˌskoʊp/ /ɪn/ /ði/ /eɪˈtin/-/ˈfɔrtiz/ /wɜr/ /ˈskræʧəz/ /lɛft/ /baɪ/ /ðə/ /ˈgraɪndər/? /wi/ /kæn/ /pərˈhæps/ /fərˈgɪv/ /ðoʊz/ /hu/ /sɛd/ /ðə/ /munz/ /ʌv/ /ˈʤupətər/ /wɜr/ /prəˈdust/ /baɪ/ /ˌgæləˈlioʊz/ /ˈspaɪˌglæs/ /ɪf/ /wi/ /ˈriˌkɔl/ /ðæt/ /ɪn/ /hɪz/ /deɪ/, /æz/ /fɔr/ /ˈsɛnʧəriz/ /bɪˈfɔr/, /kɜrvd/ /glæs/ /wʌz/ /ðə/ /ˈpɑpjələr/ /kənˈtraɪvəns/ /fɔr/ /prəˈdusɪŋ/ /nɑt/ /truθ/ /bʌt/ /ɪˈluʒən/, /ənˈtruθ/; /ænd/ /ɪf/ /ə/ /ˈsɪŋgəl/ /kɜrvd/ /glæs/ /wʊd/ /dɪˈstɔrt/ /ˈneɪʧər/, /haʊ/ /mʌʧ/ /mɔr/ /wʊd/ /ə/ /pɛr/ /ʌv/ /ðɛm/?



          本文标题:水风的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 3
