TO OV mod Codes

TO OV mod Codes

作者: 小电视 | 来源:发表于2020-06-24 15:38 被阅读0次
  • 取消塔罗牌加成
_C1 No Tarot Stat Bonus
_L 0x20025C28 0x34060000
_L 0x20025C34 0x34060000

ZUESPOS4 May 12 2020

Hi raics I found the games class address from someone compiling his notes online here's his link.


The format is like this:

Address Offset Base + 3 Base + 2 Base + 1 Base + 0
2E7E90 0 0 0 0 nothing Level
2E7E94 4 nothing EXP
2E7E98 8 0 0 0 Warrior Level
2E7E9C C Warrior EXP

I figured I'd just replace this digits 2E7E90 and 2E7E94 from the code below by the address of the class I want to reset the level. But some other class also reset to level 1.

_C0 All Professions Level 1
_L 0x402E7E90 0x00500002
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000
_L 0x402E7E94 0x00500002
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000

My question is what does offset mean from the table? Also how can I target the class I want to change the level of?

raics May 13 2020
The code you used is a multiwrite, so when you change the address you just changed where it starts and the tail end of the code will start wiping your item data.

So, to target a single class, you need to use a single write, like this
_C0 Class Level Reset
_L 0x202E7E90 0x00000001
_L 0x202E7E94 0x00000000

That code will target the 'nothing' class at position 0, so to target Knight, which is at position 6, you have to add the offset, which is 8, to both addresses 6 times, so that's 48, when converted to hex it's 30, which you add to the above and get this:
_C0 Knight Level Reset
_L 0x202E7EC0 0x00000001
_L 0x202E7EC4 0x00000000

修改等级时有一行是等级, 一行是总经验. 如果等级不是 1 , 但把总经验设定为 0 的话可能会出现 "获得了经验但是经验条仍然是空的" 这种情况.
从第 n 级升级到 n+1 级需要的经验是 40n, 根据这个可以计算出到某个级别时需要多少总经验. 按照这个设定总经验之后, 就可以正常升级了. 按照惯例, 数值都需转化为十六进制.


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